Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Cole 7. Div Leader/TW
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...user/4809-cole/
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Cole 7 deserves this award because he is the one that pushes for all of TW to strive to make TW the best divison there is. He is always there to help me with anything; whether it be with KSI or something else. He never turns anyone away. Cole always encourages all of TW to make everyone in KSI feel like they have a family to go to when they need help with anything.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Heero 7, Founder/TW
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...61-ksi-heero-7/
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Heero 7 deserves this award because he is always helping me by answering my questions; no matter how many I send. He is always encouraging us to do more with the squad and getting more of TW in the loop. Heero, no matter what was going on, was always there to help anyone who needed it; no matter who it is or what it is about.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sworn 7,CoFounder/TW/Impulse/killjoy/overload
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...62-ksi-sworn-7/
Reasoning why the deserve this -KSI Sworn 7 deserves this award because his door is always open is someone needs to talk about Impulse or KSI in general. Since I have known Sworn, I have seen so much work being put into KSI from him that it motivates me to do the same. He is the perfect example of what a Co-Fo should be like. I say that because since he is in the military, he has to juggle around his schedule with the military and KSI.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LegalD, General/TW/Impulse
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...487-ksi-legald/
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI LegalD deserves this award because he goes above and beyond of what is asked of him. He always pushes us officers to have game nights, hang out and be there for each other. Legal D especially pushes our squad to be more active with each other; meaning more recruits and trains. He puts so much work into this squad it's mine blowing. He is the best General and deserves this award without any question.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hekkers, 4LT/TW/Impulse
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...33-ksi-hekkers/
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Hekkers deserves this award because he is always willing to help me with either squad stuff or Headhuter situations without any hesitation. He holds numerous game nights, is an active member on my Headhunter team, and is an amazing friend that is always there.