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•••ES Creator•••

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•••ES Creator••• last won the day on June 5 2013

•••ES Creator••• had the most liked content!

About •••ES Creator•••

  • Birthday 04/01/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Houston, Tx
  • Interests
    Being Da Best
    You Know It
  • Gamertag
    KSI UBeeDum 7
  • Squad
    Eternal Souls
  • Rank/Title

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•••ES Creator•••'s Achievements


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  1. I don't know If I can but I was witnessing for both awards if you didn't happen to notice just letting you know.
  2. I can witness for dragons award. When me and dragon were in DL as cofounders we learned a lot from each other he taught me a lot and helped me create ES. I'm proud that I brought over the best choice and now he's running ES like a charm I don't really need to explain why dragon deserves These awards it should be known throughout KSI with the outstanding work he's doing in ES I'm proud to have left my division in good hands and can't wait for ES to shoot for the stars. #Yolo Swag
  3. Name: KSI Odysseus 7/ Hydra/ Eternal Souls Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-odysseus-7/ Award-/-Achievement: trainer Reason-/-Evidence: Hero is cool and he trained some guys and I saw it and yeah isn't that reason enough. #Yolo Swag
  4. Name: KSI UBeeDum 7/ Demons / Eternal Souls Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11416-•••es-creator•••/ Award-/-Achievement: Division Creator Reason-/-Evidence: well I was founder when DL split and I came up with the name with help with a couple friends help and I'm awesome isn't that reason enough # Yolo Swag
  5. Tommie lee has been a great leader even as a sy I remember Tommie acting like a sgt Tommie was running the squad as if he was a first captain if it wasn't for Tommie I wouldn't be we're I'm at I have so much respect for what he's done and what he is doing for DL he has constantly shown improvement with every rank. I don't need to speak for Tommie his accomplishments speak for themselves he is a great member and I know he will be a is and will continue to be a great leader thanks Tommie for all you've done brother
  6. Name: KSI Legal 7, Twisted Warfare Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9487-ksi-legal-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Committed Award Reason-/-Evidence: My buddy legal has done a lot for KSI's own Twisted Warfare he's been in TW since last December the 4th of 2012 and has been kicking a** and tacking names I'm proud of my bro Congratz buddy
  7. Name: KSIxACID, LYCANS, Eternal Souls Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14467-ksixacid/ Award-/-Achievement: member assistance, Trainer, Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: Acid has brought a squad from the rubble and made it to the powerhouse it is today he has inspired his squad to go for it all and has succeeded his squad grew tremoundosly in a short amount of time he trained a great amount of people and has mentored all of his members to be their own leaders I think he defenitely deserves these awards.
  8. Name: KSI Nick20-Demons-Eternal Souls Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8008-nick20/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance, Trainer, Mentor, Commited Reason-/-Evidence: Nick has done above and beyond for his squad even before our division split nick was always there for his squad members and any other members that needed help I have seen him train more than 30 people even as a general and his captains have been mentored by the best I think deserves these awards for the time he has put into his squad making it the powerhouse it is today thanks for being with us nick.( He has been in KSI for a little more than a year)
  9. Cheddarbob has been so much help ever since I've came to DL he took me in as if I had been there for years he has showed me and everyone so much wat it is to be a great leader and my division wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him I've learned so much from cheddarbob and I'm happy to call him my friend thanks for all you do cheddar
  10. Name: KSI Dragon014x7-Eternal Souls-Co founder Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12108-ksi-dragon014x7/ Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Trainer HeadHunters Reason-/-Evidence: Dragon has been my right hand man ever since we were cofounders sometimes I learn stuff from him that help me run our division I couldn't be happier to have any other cofounder/friend running ES with me. He has trained over 50 members and was the HeadHunters captain if UNDEAD DL when I was 1st captain of ARSONIST DL. He definitely deserves these awards and many more
  11. Name: KSI MsChedarBob Wicked Eternal Souls Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13790-ksi-mschedarbob/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assitance Trainer and Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: KSI MsCheddarBob has been doing a great job as general of wicked and she is always there for her members she definitely deserves these awards
  12. Can someone tell me wether to get more witnesses or something I'm kinda stuck here
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