Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Huckleberry 7
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Huckleberry deserves this award in my eyes because he goes above and beyond to help his divisions. He is online or can be anytime I need him. He is also very quick to respond of any needs I may have here in DL. Squad tags, Access Denied, or just advice. he is a dedicated member that has done so much for KSI and his work I feel is far from done here. Founder
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Doctor 7 -SH- Founder
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Reasoning why the deserve this - I haven't known this member long but the time I have known him he more than qualifies for this award. He is a very active member and is the only leader that SH has at the current time. He is involved in so much more than just being a founder of SH and to hear his members talk he gets much respect in SH. Hats off to the Doc for his work done so far in SH and I have feeling he is far from done as well. Co-Founder
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI UBeeDum 7 -DL- Co Founder
Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - UBee has done a great deal of work here in DL and continues to do so. He runs the recruit tag, soon to be moderator over the DL section, and also taking care of a squad tag and Access Denied for Kronos. He is a very active member within DL and will go far In KSI. Keep up the awesome work Ubee I appreciate you bro. General
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MsChedrBob - Wicked- DL
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Reasoning why the deserve this - This member goes above and beyond to help her squad in anyway possible.
She has gamenight held everynight of the week by her and her officer staff and they have been a huge success in keeping activity within her squad. Steadily growing and making Wicked a better squad one day at a time thank you MsChedar for the work you have done here in DL. Captain
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI SianyRabbit -Necro- DL
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Siany has shown she has the ability to be a leader. She is hosting meeting for the squad and
has much respect in Necro. She has even went as far as to post my notes for the officers meeting we have here on a weekly basis. Siany is from the uk and always online, makes me wonder if she ever sleeps lol. keep up the good work siany I see you going far here in DL or in KSI period.