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KSI CheddarBob7

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KSI CheddarBob7 last won the day on May 31 2015

KSI CheddarBob7 had the most liked content!

About KSI CheddarBob7

  • Birthday September 3

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  • Gamertag
    KSI CheddarBob7
  • Date Recruited
    July 11, 2011
  • Squad
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  • Rank/Title
    Senior Director

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  1. CHEDDARBOB!!!!!!!!!! IT"S TRIM!!!!!!! LONG TIME NO TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Well well well look whos back around.

  3. Happy birthday, bro. Enjoy your day and (I'll only say this because it's your birthday) Roll Tide Roll.

  4. Congrats to you all. Thank you for what you have done and what you do!!!!
  5. Congrats to all of the August winners. Now let's go get next month's. Lol
  6. Good Luck to you all, and may the most dedicated and active (Biggest and baddest) division in the community win!!!!! Now lets get it!!! Much love KSI!!!!
  7. I witness for Bandits outstanding service award. I haven't know her a very long time but the time I have known her she has been outstanding. I have seen her start a new squad on the xone because I gave her the tag for it lol, and she has done well with it and it is growing. She plays a big role in DM and a ton of members look up to her. Well known through the division probably because she has held multiple squad tags and took care of the squads until someone was trained to take the squad over. I feel Bandit is 100 % dedicated to KSI and deserves this award. Thank you for what u do Bandit!!!!
  8. I can witness to member assistance for KSI Green 7. I have been in parties numerous times when he has stopped what he was doing or playing to go help our members.
  9. Congrats to all of you that received the awards... Great job and keep up the good work!!!!
  10. Congrats to all of you hard working dedicated peeps!!!!! Keep up the great work!!
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