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Teemo (TimTam 7)

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About Teemo (TimTam 7)

  • Birthday 07/02/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gold Coast, QLD
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    Wicked Intent
  • Rank/Title
    Co Founder

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I love waking up at 9:30am (7:30 EST), having breakfast then going oh crud spirit week events and i miss it. Good job timezones...and good job neighbours for having a party at 2am limiting my sleep....yay...
  2. i cannot read that for the life of me...did it say "WI to win" if so then agree with you, if not then you need to change your post
  3. I'm going to let you finish, but im pretty sure Wicked Intent is the best division of all time
  4. Gamertag: KSI ASTR0xT33MO Division/Squad: Wicked Intent Idea: Song Parody KSI Inspired song, i have one ive been working on but im going to tweek it more towards a division wide theme than just a squad. Either that or a KSI Themed Rick-Roll short >:D
  5. WI has this tagged and bagged ladies and gentlemen! We've got everything from tim tams to KSI themed apparel! Our members will be out in force sporting our swag (the kind from conventions not the other junk) and you will quake in fear as ninja sings you into oblivion! Teemo OUT!
  6. Dreams of the future? or dreams of which i'll never have. Come to me mysterious figure, complete my life!

  7. Plasma pistol mastery That gun is so time consuming to master and the fact that it ruins your K/D spread if you arent a decent amount past positive should be a reward in its own
  8. CAN YOU HANDLE THE HEAT?! KSI ASTR0xT33MO BRINGS YOU THE FIRST OF A LONG LINE OF TWISTED AND HILARIOUSLY FUN HALO 4 TOURNAMENTS! THE PRIZE?! 800/1600 Microsoft Points AND RESPECT FOR BEING A BAD-ASS WITH THE PLASMA PISTOL! (TO BE DECIDED, PROBABALY 800) I, KSI ASTR0xT33MO, or Teemo as most call me, am hosting the most rediculous tournament EVER in KSI. Hosted on Custom Maps, you, the reader, will be transported into various Hot Zones across the Halo Universe. From Derelict Space Stations to Abandoned Mining Platformss we have it all. All you need to do is abide by the following rules: Permitted Weaponry PLASMA PISTOL ANY GRENADES YOU CHOOSE MELEE The tournament layout will be added after numbers are determined. Current Roster List: KSI ASTR0xT33MO (NOTE: IF I WIN I WILL GIVE MY POINTS TO THE 2nd Place Winner) Pazuzuuu KSI Adam KSI Terrorizer KSI Blaze059 KSI Wyoming Afroleader33020 KSI Le9end 7 nemea8608 WE NEED AT LEAST 16 PEOPLE TO GET THIS SORTED OUT SO IF WE DONT DRAW THE NUMBERS HERE, PULL EM FROM OTHER DIVISIONS AND THE PRIZE POOL MIGHT INCREASE! I will also contact the relevant department for a special "Plasma Pistol Champion" forum award if possible to show how much of a bad ass you are with this trashy gun. By the way.... YOU MUST ACTUALLY GET KILLS WITH THE PLASMA PISTOL I DONT WANT PEOPLE RUNNING AROUND GRENADING/PUNCHING PEOPLE TO DEATH JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED IF YOU ARE UTTERLY HOPELESS WITH IT :D INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! REMEMBER TO POST HERE IF YOU GET MORE PARTICIPANTS OR MESSAGE ME SO I CAN UPDATE THE LIST Tournament Brackets COMING SOON
  9. Indeed but the new 3v3 map is refreshing. I still think it would be cool if one day there was a KSI team in the LoL World Championship XD glorious
  10. Unsure who actually plays the game but if we have at LEAST FIVE PEOPLE i propose making a KSI League Of Legends team for this season and/or next season. It will be amazing
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