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KSI Greg 7 ™

The Retired Greg Guy
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KSI Greg 7 ™ last won the day on September 4 2017

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About KSI Greg 7 ™

  • Birthday 06/12/1970

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    KSI Greg 7
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  • Rank/Title
    Chief Knowledge Officer

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  1. I’ve been tracking Veriitas 7 since he was a CoFo. While Rita was cutting his teeth in FI he had developed his leadership qualities and was willing to reach out for advice from other leaders in the community. (btw we love to give advice it doesn’t matter if you just want to hang out in the party chat or play games if you’re looking to move up in this community be open to reaching out of your inner circle). Ok back to Rita Veriitas omg what’s not to say about this guy. While Rita was in FI it became obvious to all the seniors of his potential his ability to connect with his members in fi really showed when MP and FI merged. Rita made it his task to incorporate the new members from MP into FI. Rita worked hard to maintain a positive attitude during this stressful time As a director he helped mentor the leaders under him and helped develop new leaders by teaching lead and learning from his experience in FI and made it a point to include the members he was over and making sure they felt connected to him. Later as a senior Rita continues to motivate new leaders. Also, all these things that I’m sealing from fuzzy’s post Accomplishments (most not all) Running Lead Achieving Senior Director Strong showing and rebound of FI in spirit week and in general Having to take over and learn a lot regarding leadership in a short time ascending the ranks of FI Laying the ground work for Marketing Assisting in the rec reaction of the Handbook In closing Rita deserves this award. I'm not doing justice to Rita I can't explain it any other way the for doing small things great and I know its vague. Whether Rita is awarded this achievement or not I would like to say even though I’m Technically over the seniors and over twice Rita's age I would count Rita as a mentor that I’ve learned tons from Rita Also, Rita I’m still Funny!
  2. Leadership mentor @KSI Gambit 7 @KSI TexAngel 7 @KSI Trendies 7 @Mr. Conversation Era @SaTiiReV 101 Grad @KSI Gambit 7 @KSI TexAngel 7 @KSI Trendies 7 @Mr. Conversation Era
  3. First off let’s just sit back and look at the career of Mpliers. He not only ran his div very well taking one of the first destiny squads showing the entire community how to grow and split a squad on destiny. He also left a standard in ES of Leadership having not 1 but 2 ES leaders that followed him into the directors’ rank. As a director he continued his growth working with several division to mentor several leaders in KSI as well as running productions and had a big hand in running T&E. Pliers later took over T&E to build it into one of the best run dept. working on way to keep it fresh and fun by expanding the team to include reps from every division. I think the best way to describe pliers is little things done greatly I find it hard to put into words what pliers does to add to KSI. I do agree with everything that has been posted so far pliers is always looking for ways to keep KSI moving forward weather its hanging out in a fun party or getting the BOD and some of the Directors to start playing a new fun game. Pliers works very hard to keep t&e fresh mixing old and new games. In closing I want to say I'm not giving pliers his justice
  4. First off lets just sit back and look at the career of Mpliers. He not only ran his div very well taking one of the first destiny squads showing the entire community how to grow and split a squad on destiny. He also left a standard in ES of Leadership having not 1 but 2 ES leaders that followed him into the directors rank. As a director he continued his growth working with several division to mentor several leaders in KSI as well as running productions and had a big hand in running T&E. Pliers later took over T&E to build it into one of the best run dept. working on way to keep it fresh and fun by expanding the team to include reps from every division. I think the best way to describe pliers is little things done greatly. I will post more latter
  5. First let me take some time to apologize to true this should have been posted a long time ago. This is a no-brainer. True has had an unorthodox trip through KSI. True was working her way the ranks in her squad but she had some life issues that forced her to step away. when she returned she started working hard from the start willing to help out new members and helped her squad grow. She eventually made it to CoFO. This is when True should have received this award. True was the only 7 in her div after all the other 7s left to join another community. She stepped to the challenge and rebuilt the 7s staff under her. True has continued to grow as a leader not only in clan ops but also in web ops. I could have also added that when Azeral and I promoted true to director from the codiv rank we placed a target on her back that could that put a lot of stress on her that she was able to over come but perhaps that can be for os lv2 I want to say that there is so much more to say about true and why she deserves this award
  6. 101 grad KSI TexAngel 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texangel-7/
  7. sorry for the late response. I find it hard to put into words what pliers does to add to KSI. I do agree with everything that has been posted so far pliers is always looking for ways to keep KSI moving forward weather its hanging out in a fun party or getting the BOD and some of the Directors to start playing a new fun game. Pliers works very hard to keep t&e fresh mixing old and new games. In closing I want to say I'm not giving pliers his justice (I'll try to post more got to go back to work
  8. KSI Killer 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35003-ksi-killer-7/ 101 grad
  9. Lead mentors KSI Ashhh 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26315-ksi-ashhh-7/ KSI True 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21248-true-7/ KSI Pantsir 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16959-pantsir/ KSI Ascend 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ascend/
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