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KSI TheEnforcer

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KSI TheEnforcer last won the day on April 2 2013

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About KSI TheEnforcer

  • Birthday 01/03/1991

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  • Location
    South Kakalaki
  • Interests
    Sports, outdoors, and of course video games
  • Gamertag
    KSI TheEnforcer
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  1. Doctor Doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of loving you!

  2. Doctor Doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of loving you! :wub:

  3. Bout to try and get back into the swing of things

  4. Gonna be setting up my xbox soon. Bwahahaha

  5. I'm on a leave of absence. I'll be back in August. You stay classy

  6. Name: KSI AbruptWand0/ Phantom/ Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12572-ksi-abruptwand0/ Award-/-Achievement: ice breaker Reason-/-Evidence: This person has nominated 5+ members and they have all received the awards they were nominated for. http://www.ksiforums...awards-awarded/ http://www.ksiforums...ations-awarded/ http://www.ksiforums...g-040713/page-2
  7. As Headhunters Captain, and 1st Captain of Phantom, I can vouch that these members are indeed part of the HH Team in KSI Phantom SH. Congratulations on making the team guys! (ps. its mutiple nominations not awards just for future reference buddy )
  8. I can vouch for Tempah. He is always helping me out with the forums. Sometimes it can be hard to navigate with the new topics. I wouldn't know about the ASC section without him. I have been in multiple parties where he has helped members sign up on the forums and kinda show them the ropes. He is an awesome guy and is always there to help a member who is in need.
  9. Name: KSI Ske Tempah/Phantom/Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9280-mc-saych/ Award-/-Achievement: Ice Breaker Reason-/-Evidence: http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/14652-phantom-sh-grifball-team-awards/ Check the link. He has nominated more than 5 and has nominated more than 5 for the SWAT Team for Phantom SH and they have received their awards..... Love the AAP staff
  10. Very good point. I'm glad that you brought that up. I need to talk to you about it on XBL. If this works out then i believe we could use your forge expertise to help design replica Team Throwdown maps/gametypes. But the idea is still up in the air. Not sure whether it will be a preset gametype. I was thinking that it would be at least one slayer and then one objective. I know for sure that the maps will not be preselected. The third game can be up to the players who are playing to agree on what gametype and map for the 3rd game. Same way it works now when you play a match.
  11. I'm just proud to be part of such a great gaming community! Thanks for all votes y'all! XD
  12. Yeah this could really be pulled off and be pretty epic with the help of a couple of T&E staff memebers. Just try a and get the word out there that this topic is up cause if i can get a X number of people to say they would do this tourney then I might be able to get it started at the beginning of summer. I know we are on the bottom of the forums page and it can be hard to find this sometimes. Thanks for the help in feed back though fellas -KSI TheEnforcer
  13. Let me know what you think and be honest about it. I'm serious about doing this and I really want this to work and be run smoothly and I need your critic to help me and the T&E staff make this season come through. So my idea for T&E is a HHs based season and playoff tournament. I would like to see a season of X numbers of games (20 or so) and then a playoff at the end of the season for MSP. The season would be based off of a weekly timeline per squad. The HH teams would be given a certain amount of time to sign up in the thread to participate by posting their GT/squad/division and so on in the thread. After the time is up for League sign ups i would take a day or two and make a season schedule for the teams. This season would include a preseason of 2 games, a regular season of 20 games, and a post season playoff. Depending on the number of teams lets say we had 10 then they would play each other twice, if we had an odd number then some would have a bye week with equal amounts of bye weeks during the season, if we had 20 then each squad would play each other once. I could even go a different route if that does not sound appealing and could create a Conference type season schedule where these teams would play in group of teams and which are part of a conference consisting of X amounts of teams inside different regions. The conference system would make playoff transitions easier and would allow them to know where they stand in the Conference standings that I would update weekly including the record for each team. The conference system is based off of systems much like a recreational community sports league would play. Each team would have 1 weeks time to battle the opposing squad that is assigned to them for battle that week. The date and time of the match would be left up to the captains of those squads and would be messaged to me. After the match the teams would then message me the attendance for the match and the scores (which I could compare with what is on halowaypoint). Attendance purposes so that i can ensure the squad members are indeed part of that squad and are not from another squad so that they can receive an edge. After the regular season is up I would create a bracket format. The bracket would be posted and updated after each week and would be reflective of the currently run NCAA basketball brackets. With a single elimination type format. Since technically it is not a tournament but a playoff. (i’m open to a double elimination bracket but you would have to have a convincing reason why) The final match would be a best two out of 3 and at the end of the Championship game the winners of the game would receive 1600 MSP for each player on the squad during the battle (4 players) donated by yours truly KSI TheEnforcer. -Thank you for you time KSI TheEnforcer Update(4/13/13): I have been thinking about this topic recently, and I think it would be best to do a best 2 out of 3 games for the season battles and a double elimination tournament/playoff at the end. This way it insures that the best team actually wins and they aren't knocked off because they played one game that they just didn't have it together. Keep on spreading the word that this topic is out there. I see some feed back down there and it freaking awesome! XD
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