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KSI Paratroop 7

the Para
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Everything posted by KSI Paratroop 7

  1. Also just like Luci stated. What rank? We need to know that before we can continue with Most outstanding
  2. Just make sure you keep it professional always when playing guys. I get tons of recruits from 1v1s. You can talk to them about ur community while yall play simple
  3. It would be basically giving all of KSI awards so it would make us AAP staff work around the clock for it do i doubt this would work
  4. I'm guessing outstanding service lvl 1 ur going for also since you going for silver?
  5. We need a cofo or higher to witness not a 3CPT
  6. alright thank you for keeping us informed(:
  7. i can also vouch for this he has worked his ass off when i was over DR. he keeps everyone in check, makes veryone feel welcome, and so much more(:
  8. Element has left KSI about a month ago give or take. I'f you still want to go with this then we will
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