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KSI Paratroop 7

the Para
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Everything posted by KSI Paratroop 7

  1. Name: KSI Paratroop 7 (co-div CO) KSI Anatomy (co-fo LS) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/108-✧para-sensei✧/ http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2435-ksi-anatomy-7/ Award-/-Achievement: July donation drive, donor Reason-/-Evidence: one of anatomys members profile got corrupted and he asked if anyone in KSI could donate to help this member for a little bit until he could afford a 3 month or so. I donated a 2 day trial to this member( i have also donated 1600 for a name change if the 2 day trial isnt enough) anatmony gave this guy 11 2 day trials. I'll link the topic. Odin can vouch for me thanks(:
  2. Could I get a senior leader of ur division to post or even just codden.
  3. The sniper award depends if u have a sniper based team similar to HH. Many division don't have this team so we do need proof(: or I'm agreeing with them
  4. Guys thanks for all the votes but please vote for all the other spots also(:
  5. Name: KSI V00D00 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2224-✧v00d00-sensei✧/ Award-/-Achievement: mad max Reason-/-Evidence: lol when he was a general his squad literally done this man insane. Every since he joined him being a friend from school I was always the hardest on him pushing him and making him be my little work horse and he did it all until it drove him crazy. Idk anyone else in my division who owns this more. He joined back and the other day he came to me an was like u drove me crazy but I'm back(:
  6. I honestly feel like u need a little bit more info for silver service. Yes u did really good in that situation but it isnt enough info for me personally. Silver is a huge award in KSI many members don't have it for that reason. But u did a hell of a job over that squad but that's ur job. Trainer-yes Master recruiter-yes Member assistance-yes Outstanding service- yes Silver outstanding- no for right now( unless u bring more reasoning to the table)
  7. Name: KSI Paratroop 7 Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/108-✧para-sensei✧/ Award-/-Achievement: Icebreaker, master recruiter Reason-/-Evidence: For icebreaker: Also for master recruiter I don't know how I can get proof unless chaos or stryker some of the old school guys could vouch I did this when I was a captain and general mainly.I have well over 200 recruited now. Ill find someone to couch for me.
  8. Yeah there's no other witness to resurrection and y'all gave my brother and I te award but didnt give it to my co div so would I need another witness or would that be proof enough? I'll get witness's for the others lol
  9. This is a good suggestion sorry it was overlooked
  10. He's had this gamertag for a long time. And for the resurrection i dont know who would besides my brother
  11. The last 3 I am witness too. But the first 2 I will get Them.
  12. Name: KSI GeNoCiDeZ 7. Defcon(gen), Covert Ops Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2774-ksi-genocide-7/ Award-/-Achievement: KSI mentor, trainer, gamer score, resurrected, head hunter. Reason-/-Evidence: many of these Awards I believe he had on the old forums. Because most of these are from when he was in Special Ops sorry if the discription is brief im on an iPhone. He has mentored countless members when he was my co-div in SO and still does to this day as a gen. Same with trainer we use to focus on numbers and we recruited and trained a ton. For gamer score hoarder he has G: 26626. And for headhunter he was a captain for it and ram the headhunter team very successfully doing many squad battles. And finally resurrection he was my co-div as I said before when we were in SO and he helped my bring the members back up multiple times. So as his senior leader I'm vouching for these lol
  13. I approve this he's been selected as one of Defcons headhunters.
  14. Sorry lol I am a witness and he has done everything he is nominated for.
  15. Sorry to spam guys. And not that it matters since ill be working soon to gt this award. But does this include current leadership or just the officers to the making of that division?
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