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KSI ForgeGodess

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About KSI ForgeGodess

  • Birthday 05/24/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    lebanon, missouri USA
  • Interests
    Anime (My favorites are DeathNote, Witch-blade, & Full Metal Alchemist.
    Halo (I like playing Swat, Slayer and Custom Games) (I also like to Forge Maps and Custom Game Types.) if there is a map u wanna play let me know and I will find it... If I can't find it I will make it.
    Chocolate (Yes this is an interest.... I am very interested in eating all things that are Chocolate.
  • Gamertag
    KSI ForgeGodess
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Contact Methods

  • Mixer
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  1. I am the suicidal spartan!!!

  2. I attest that KSI BEHELDX502 is my Mentor. He is always there for me when I need him, he is kind, caring, respectful, and will go out of his way to help. He has taught me alot about how things are supposed to be and been very patient when I didn't understand. He never loses his temper and conducts himself very well. I wish that more members of KSI could be as great as him.
  3. Hello, I love you... wont you tell me your name?

  4. Shout out to all my VOID peeps!

  5. I'm Baaaaaaaaack!!!! I'm sure that you all missed me. I love you all.

  6. Hey I am outta the hospital...

  7. Hey everyone.. I don't know if this will work from my phone, but just wanted to tell u I am gonna be ok. just a few broken bones and ALOT of bruises.

  8. Hey everyone.. I don't know if this will work from my phone, but just wanted to tell u I am gonna be ok. just a few broken bones and ALOT of bruises. But I hope to be getting out in a few days. :) Happy V-Day! I

  9. has a really great idea, but is gonna need duct tape, some C-4, a sheep, and an alibi... Any volunteers?

  10. I am single now so I can do whatever I want.... Halo 24-7? Yes!

  11. I am single now so I can do whatever I want.... Halo 24-7? Yes!

  12. What are the points for? I have a whole dollar.. lol

  13. Just thought I would stop by and bug you......

  14. well not at home right now, so I cant play. :(

  15. Is it bad that I wish I was single just so I could play Halo more? OMG MFL! Grrr.

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