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Seishir� Tsugumi

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Seishir� Tsugumi last won the day on June 19 2013

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About Seishir� Tsugumi

  • Birthday 05/15/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    I <3 Anime!
    Hentai <3
    Chilling with my friends
    Halo 1v1's
    Editing montages!
  • Gamertag
    Ask me
  • Squad
    Web Ops Baby :)
  • Rank/Title
    Head of KSI Productions

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  1. 1. Have you ever participated in a weekend warfare tournament or a tournament hosted by T&E? Yes 2. When you did participate in the tournament, how did you hear about it? Was it via messaging on xbox, or from looking it up on the WW web site? Xbox, and just general talk around the community 3. Do you like the current WW site or do you think the site is confusing to use? I think it's not a completely user friendly interface for some. Old site was simple and easy to signup. I do enjoy the ladder system implemented and I think that was great. 4. Do you think T&E should host more tournaments on the weekends with WW or should there be more tournaments on the weekdays? I think weekends and weekdays would be fun. It would give more people a chance to win a WW instead of just once a week. 5. What types of tournaments do you like to play in? The fun type tournaments or the competitive MLG tournaments? I enjoy competitive MLG tournaments. I would like to see more of those. T&E never seems to host 4v4's on 3v3's. I'd like to see more 4v4 and actual updated gametypes and maps instead of the basic game shipped maps and gametypes. 6. What games would you like to see be played in tournaments for WW or for T&E? Halo 3 - Halo Reach - Halo 4. Murder Miners. Dead or Alive 5 - Street Fighter - Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm. 7. What types of prizes would you like to see introduced into WW or T&E tournaments? Microsoft points and Gold memberships would be great although expenses will add up so maybe a prize tourney once a month? Headsets and larger seem unnecessary for common tournaments. Maybe for big seasonal tournaments?
  2. Senior Leader of the Year Nomination KSI iLLuSii0N 7 (Senior Director - All Divisions) - Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/28-%E2%98%A3-%C9%AA%CA%9F%CA%9F%E1%B4%9Cs%C9%AA%C9%AA%E1%B4%8F%C9%B4-7-%E2%98%A3/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Illusion has been my higher up, and friend since my joining in January. He was the 1st person to get me into Productions, and I know I wouldn't be as good an editor as I am now if it weren't for him believing in me. He's been constantly appreciative of my editing since I released my 1st edit on some silly editing software. Now I've learned so many new editing techniques, and Illusion was always the one to tell me good job and give good input. That's why he deserved Senior Leader of the Year! Co Division Leader of the Year Nomination KSI Jezrien 7 (Co Div - Last Strike) - Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Jezrien is a great leader, and has helped me out numerous times. He's made me a better leader and writer. He has confidence and vast amounts of swag. He is #DaBest.
  3. Alright. Let's do this #DaBestSniper Halo has taught me well xD GT: KSI Tohdoh
  4. Gamer Tag: KSI Tohdoh Moderator or Generals Gamer Tag: KSI Ske Tempah Division and Squad: Phantom SH Division-/-Squad-/-Team you wish to Challenge?: Any, and All Game Platform: Halo 4 Gametype-/-any special conditions: PGL 4sk Settings, 1v1 on Sanctuary. Don't worry you'll win >.>
  5. Hey guys, I'm back in the challenges section looking for capable KSI members who can beat me best 2-3 on Halo 4! First of all my Gamertag is: KSI Tohdoh. I'll warn you I'm currently #11 on PGL (Pro Gaming League) Singles ladder. If you are able to beat me on my map choice (Sanctuary, Haven, Dispatch), I will give you an 800msp code. U.S members only (US Codes only work in US sorry). I really do look forward for all challenges. Have fun! (Offer ends when I'm beaten)
  6. Hey bud...you guys have a HH topic already....no need to start a new one....
  7. Headhunters W/L record: 5w-0L Squad Team W/L record: 6w-0L Type of squad team: HeadHunters Squad Name: Phantom. Extra: Looking for all types of challenges, so please contact KSI Tohdoh
  8. Squad/Division- Phantom, Shadow Haven. Game Platform- Halo 4 Gametype- Pre 4sk settings. Contacts- KSI Tohdoh Extra comments- We're 5-0 right now! We also have the 4 best Halo players in KSI :D
  9. Phantom SH has what it takes. Ez Pz! GT: KSI Tohdoh. Looking forward to playing ya ^.^
  10. Don't cancel it. Get with the T&E staff about it, and we'll see what we can figure out
  11. I mean that's pretty obvious. Yes you should need to tryout for HH again.
  12. Gamer Tag: KSI Tohdoh Division and Squad: Phantom SH Division-/-Squad you wish to Challenge?:ANy, and All Game platform: Halo 4 Gametype-/-any special conditions: 1v1 KSI Pro Team Slayer v3. Best 2-3
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