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: )

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Everything posted by : )

  1. I'm Happy

    1. Believe☆


      And why are you so happy Mythic?

  2. Recruited Someone Yes!

  3. I am a witness for the mentor, members assistance, and trainer. Forsaken always goes our of his way to help others, he has answered millions on millions of questions from me and others. He has also taught me a lot about KSI so im proud to have him as a mentor and a trainer. He is also teaching someone about KSI and helping them out in every way he can.
  4. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PR3DATOR 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3188-ksi-pr3dator-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This person deserves this award for the reason that he is always helping out, he is respectful, and keeps people following the rules of KSI. He never disrespects anyone and will lend a helping hand to anyone even if it means going out of his way for someone. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Zohan 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3497-marshall-eriksen/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Zohan is one of the most respectful and helpful people in KSI. As a general he gave up playing games to help out his squad. He is the very definition of KSI, he is knowledable, he has strength, and integrity. It dosen't matter what you bring to him he will find a way to get it done and done right. He always and still does have the best intentions for KSI, his squad, and his friends. Zohan knows how to lead, and he preforms it well and is always going to be respected by his squad members no matter where he goes, what he does, or how he does it, Zohan is the best general and always will be. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxFORSAKEN Fury AV Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6129-ksixforsaken/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He deserves this award because he helped members out when he was doing something else, he never said no to someone who needed help, he showed leadership through everything he did. He always made sure people were following the rules in the best way possible. He took control when things started to fall and got it back up and past what he needed to. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Believe Fury AV Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10346-cry/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Believe stepped up and took on responsibility for his actions, he always was respectful and helped members stay in line. He follows what he knows is right and back ups his leaders no matter. He is active and always is willing to help with anything from recruiting to leading a meeting.
  5. Squad Spliting on my birthday!

  6. About to recruit for squad split boom!

  7. Do the Harlem Shake

  8. Need a Initial Work Sample

  9. Need a Initial Work Sample

  10. About to do a test edit, hope this goes well.

  11. About to do a test edit, hope this goes well.

  12. Want to play basketball right now.

  13. Gamertag: KSI Zohan Rank: General Division/Squad: Void AV Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3497-zohan/ Reasoning why they deserve this: Zohan has always been there for his squad, if anyone has a question or anything he handles it right away. He steps out of his way for his members no matter what, he backs out of parties with friends to go help a member with a silly problem, he is always there for anyone who needs it no matter what. Gamertag: KSIxFORSAKEN Rank: 3rd Captin Division/Squad: Void AV Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6129-ksixforsaken/ Reasoning why they deserve this: Forsaken always is willing to help and he does, he steps forward when no one else does and shows that he can do the job, and do it right. Forsaken may want to do other things sometimes but instead does what others want to do. Forsaken is always a friend to others even if they are not a friend back. Gamertag: KSI Believe Rank: 2nd Lieutenant Division/Squad: Void AV Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10346-believe/ Reasoning why they deserve this: Believe steps forward and takes responsibility for the things that he does, he is willing to answer questions, and help others out, he puts KSI before himself and always maintains a positive KSI attitude.
  14. I hate the hackers who screw people for the fun of it.

  15. I hate the hackers who screw people for the fun of it.

  16. No school today, yes

  17. No school today, yes

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