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  • Birthday 12/02/1991

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    Haddonfield, IL
  • Interests
    Gaming, Heavy F'N Metal.
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    Eternal Souls
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    A SUHrious 7 #0037

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  1. I can vouche for this as well. He was the one to convince me to get back into the gaming community world. I was initially recruited into Sacrifice DR but quickly transferred to his newly created Valkryie DR squad due to some disagreements in Sacrifice. I worked my way to getting 1CPT in Valkyrie and behind his leadership we split the squad which allowed me to created Rapture DR and in all reality was the catalyst to the success I created for myself in the community. I 100% back the fact that KSI FadeZ 7 deserves this award.
  2. We may be young but we're tough! MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT IN THE HOUSE!!!
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) Myself (KSI OSIRIS 7) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10280-ksi-osiris-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Committed Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Well this month is my 2nd consecutive year in KSI and I totally spaced applying for it in my first year lol
  4. I can witness for this. She has successfully trained 52 people
  5. Hey is DR looking for Section Mods?

  6. Trainer: I can vouch for and verify that KSI GreendayFox has trained 43 people.
  7. I can witness for Trainer and OS Lv. 1 Trainer: I can personally witness and verify that KSI NETTERBUG72 has trained 56 people and she definitely deserves this award. OS Lv. 1: NETTERBUG has caught my attention over the recent months. She was an superb Captain in Valkyrie DR before the split and one of the best ones I had underneath me as Valkyries Co-Fo. I had many SGTs come to me saying that she was always an ear to listen to any problem that they had and she made sure for 100% certainty that whatever concerns that any member had was solved completely. She has notebooks upon notebooks filled with KSI knowledge and random notes in them so she is always on top of things when it comes to anything new within KSI. I can say with complete certainty that she deserves every right to be called General of KSI Valkyrie DR.
  8. I can witness for Trainer and OS Lv. 1 Trainer: I can personally witness and verify that KSI NETTERBUG72 has trained 56 people and she definitely deserves this award. OS Lv. 1: NETTERBUG has caught my attention over the recent months. She was an superb Captain in Valkyrie DR before the split and one of the best ones I had underneath me as Valkyries Co-Fo. I had many SGTs come to me saying that she was always an ear to listen to any problem that they had and she made sure for 100% certainty that whatever concerns that any member had was solved completely. She has notebooks upon notebooks filled with KSI knowledge and random notes in them so she is always on top of things when it comes to anything new within KSI. I can say with complete certainty that she deserves every right to be called General of KSI Valkyrie DR.
  9. i love the name comrade lol!! deny it now

  10. Division Leader: KSI EXODUS 7 (Divine Reign DIV-LEADER) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Reason: KSI EXODUS 7 has always had a lending ear when it came to anything happening within DR. He has helped me personally with anything that I needed at the time. He runs a solid ship in DR always there to make sure that everyone and everything is going in a positive direction. I couldn't ask for a better div-leader to have. Co-Division Leader: KSI AIRBORNE 7 (Divine Reign CO-DIV) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2037-comrade-stalin/ Reason: KSI AIRBORNE 7 is an amazing CO-DIV, he is very active and always encourages members to be active on the forums as well as their respective squads. He helped me gain more and more knowledge as I have progressed through the ranks. He is very helpful and is always there for anyone who may need it. Founder: KSI THOR 7 (Divine Reign Founder) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2841-comrade-thor-7/ Reason: KSI THOR 7 is very helpful towards lower ranking members. He is always lending a helping hand to the lower ranks giving them info on how KSI is and what to do to move up the ranks and to be excellent quality members within KSI. Co-Founder: KSI FadeZ 7 (Divine Reign CO-FO) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8545-comrade-malenkov/ Reason: I could say a lot about KSI FadeZ 7. Overall great dude, very understanding towards members when they have issues. He is always very helpful to them as well. He has taught me a lot of things about KSI. Being that I'm one of the generals that came after his promotion, I knew that I had some big shoes to fill to become a great general on my part. I owe him a lot and im happy to call him my CO-FO. General: KSI KLEIN (Valkyrie DR GEN) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9851-capitalist-klein/ Reason: KSI KLEIN is a great general. I hear good things about him in Valkyrie. Being thats where I came from I knew he could take the reigns and run with it. He is very active and helpful towards his members and I have a feeling that Valkyrie is going to go to great places. Captain: KSI WHISKEYEYED (Rapture DR 4CPT) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12013-ksi-whiskeyeyed/ Reason: KSI WHISKEYEYED is an amazing Captain, I couldn't ask for a better person to help me within Rapture DR. He has helped me on many occasions whenever I needed it. He has also on many occasions asked me is there was anything that needed to be done at the time. I can see him being an amazing general when the time comes. Lieutenant: KSI DIV1NE (Rapture DR 1LT) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12958-ksi-xdivin3x/ Reason: KSI DIV1NE has been a very active and very helpful both to me and the Rapture members. He is very understanding about any situation. I can always count on him to do anything that needs to be done to ensure that Rapture running at its very best.
  11. KSI EXODUS 7 (DR / Div-Leader) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Reason- Exodus has always been an amazing Div Leader since I've been apart of KSI. He's always had a lending ear to anything good or bad within DR. He is very informative about information that needs to be passed down in the meetings, and has been very helpful towards me whenever I have questions about anything. KSI AIRBORNE 7 ( DR / CO-DIV ) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2037-ksi-airborne-7/ Reason- Airborne is a very passionate member in KSI an DR. He always has our best interests at heart. He taught me a lot to become the member I am in KSI. He always makes sure the DR is on the right track in the community no matter what. KSI FadeZ 7 ( DR / CO-FO ) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8545-ksi-fadez-7/ Reason- KSI FadeZ 7..where do I begin with this guy? FadeZ is an amazing member in KSI and an even better Co-Founder. He taught me a lot when he was General in Valkyrie Dr. I have used the knowledge that I have taken in from him and Airborne to make Rapture an amazing Squad in DR. He is very understanding and knowledgeable towards members with questions or concerns that they may have and does his best to help them out. Overall great dude and I'm happy to call him my CO-FO. KSI SECONDWIND ( 2CPT / Rapture DR ) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11262-ksi-secondwind/ Reason- This guy is an amazing Captain in Rapture. One of the best I could ask for in my opinion and will make an even better General in the future. He is an amazing recruiter and is always asking me what he can do to better Rapture and DR. He is very passionate about KSI and he will do anything that he possibly can to be a strong and quality member. I'm looking forward to see what he does in the future. KSI DIVINE ( 4LT / Rapture DR ) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12958-ksi-xdivin3x/ Reason- He is one of my best Lieutenants in Rapture. Excellent recruiter and an amazing trainer. Hes always very informative and goes into detail in the training process with the recruits. I haven't heard one bad thing about him. There as been only good things that members have said. He has the quality and experience to be a great Captain and General in the future.
  12. Name: KSI Osiris v1 Valkyrie DR Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10280-ksi-osiris-v1/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore is currently at 23,675 for the moment.
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