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Everything posted by Infinite

  1. Powers has been a huge help to me as a member. He taught me everything I need to know about being a general and answered any questions I had about being an officer or about the forums. He has taught many many others and has helped teach many of the officers and sgts in my squad and throughout FG.
  2. As a fellow General within KSI and FG, I have been there and watched Shooter do what he does and become an amazing member. He is constantly on playing with his squad being active encouraging them to move up the ranks. Shooter is constantly looking out for ways to improve Hyperion and FG whether it be events, strategies, or whatever way he thinks could help. He is always there to help his members and any members even if they are not in his squad. If another general has any questions he does his best to help and vice versa, if he needs help with whatever he is not afraid to ask to know hoe to become a better member and leader. He is constantly teaching members how to be an officer and helping younger members mature to be better members in general.He holds game nights for anybody in the division to come, helping all the squads to become closer, and is always there to give whatever advice he can to anyone who needs it.
  3. Name/Gamertag:Ghostex Rank (If Applicable): 2LT Time spent on forums (Daily): Around 6 hours Experience and Time in KSI: 1 year 3 1/2 months spent quite a bit of time on forums been on T&E and have been a general Skype: ksighost Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I would be a great addition to the AAP department because I have a lot of experience with the forums and can judge without unfair bias. I love helping and devoting time to KSI and give recognition for those who deserve it and work hard in KSI.
  4. Streets is an outstanding member and a great co-founder. He is constantly active on the forums and always checks in our squads. He shows up to meetings or gamenights when he can and helps whenever the need is there. Streets mentors in whatever way he can is always open to help when a member needs his help regardless of what rank they are. Streets is a great member and one hell of a co-founder.
  5. There ain't no reason things are this way

  6. Static has and continues to have a positive influence on FG. He is always working to help members with their problems or to find someone for them to game with or to just get them acquainted with their squad/div regardless of their rank. He goes beyond what he is asked to make sure that FG prospers. He is an amazing member/7 and continues to be a great example of what to strive to be in KSI!
  7. I said it must beeeee!

  8. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xPOWERSx FG CRONUS Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18995-ksi-xpowersx/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Powers has been an amazing general and has really Led Cronus to success. Powers has inspired the squad to be active, and has brought out leadership in the squads members. He has made it a lot less of a drag and more of an amazing place to just come and chill with cool people. He rallied Cronus to a split, and has made it fun to do it!
  9. Dead definitely deserves this award. He helped teach me the basics of how to do my job the best I can. He makes sure everyone in FG knows how to do their job correctly and in the most productive way.
  10. I finally understand what it means to love someone free of thinking as the world has made me feel

  11. Man it feels good to feel this way

  12. Division - Forgotten Gods Gamer Tag - KSI Ghostex Approved - KSI xFALLENx 7
  13. Xbox live gamertag - KSI Ghostex Division - FG Approved by KSI xFALLENx 7
  14. Name/Gamertag: KSI Ghostex Rank/Division (If applicable): 1CPT/ Heretic FG Time spend on the forums Daily:8-10 Hours Experience in KSI:I've been in Multiple squads and divisions in the past six months and I am currently running my squad. Experience/Knowledge of the AAP: I read every Nomination I can, and always look you help recognize the people who deserve the award. Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP:I am able to but my unbiased out put to any situation, that way anyone who gets nominated will be treated fairly.I know a lot about what each award requires, and am always online to give input.
  15. A Halo 4 Pro tournament (Instead of all this infinity, have no power weapons. It will be a tournament of true skill
  16. Sprite Week? seems legit.
  17. Greg has been an amazing director. anything from the little question to just playing with squads, Greg is always helpful. Even as im a lower ranking member, he has still helped me and answered any question i had undoubtedly. He has been amazingly helpful as long as I've known him.
  18. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI M3NT4L - Behemoth FG Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10445-ksi-m3nt4l/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Mental has faced trouble after trouble and has pushed through, doing what it takes to keep Behemoth alive. He was dealt a bad hand at squad split, and from there on faced challenge after challenge that arose. Mental pushed all the way to 90, and the drama arose again and Behemoth was hit hard. Even after losing more than a third of his squad and most of his officer staff, he is still pushing his squad forward. He will do anything for his squad, and has done whatever it takes to make Behemoth successful.
  19. Damn girl let me get at them hair loopies

  20. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Ghostex Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10125-ghostex/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I have enough Gamerscore, I currently have 38720
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