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Everything posted by the FALLEN

  1. gamertag - KSI Mostwantedx div - FG *posting on his behalf of not being able to access a computer atm
  2. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xDEAD x 7/ FG Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5446-ksi-xdeadx-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He has helped myself basically run the division and in the past month our division has exploded with numbers and activity. He has helped out squads that had questions, helped myself in resolving issues without me even asking. He is constantly trying his best to keep not only his squads, but all the squads in perfect order so nothing is failing. As a result from our divison split about a 2 and a half months ago, we are already at 415 members General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI M3NT4L/ FG/ Behemoth Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10445-ksi-m3nt4l/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member deserves this award because he has one of the strongest if not the strongest squad in FG. His members are constantly active and he has built his squad up to 86, the largest squad in FG in about a month and a half. This member is always finding ways to better his squad and shares his results and ideas with other gens in the division. he always comes and asks what he can do to better his squad. He has trained his officers on how they are to handle issues and even sergeants since you can only have 8 officer spots he has SGTs doing this work (except training of course). Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PoSeiiDoN/ FG / Behemoth Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9804-ksi-poseiidon/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member is one of the most prominent members in his squad. Since he has joined i have seen him progress through the ranks to captain and he has worked his tale off. He brings in recruits and trains like it is second nature to him. I have not seen a day go where he is not training a new recruit or just a member on how to be an officer. he is an awesome captain. He really deserves this award because of his hard work and dedication to his squad and members
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xDEADx 7/FG/Cofounder Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5446-ksi-xdeadx-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I have been with this guy for a long time since before he ever was a general and now hes a cofo. Ive seen him train well over 30 people and feels he deserves this award
  4. i can vouch being that ive known the guy for a while and i am his new founder. if you need someone from his old div to vouch then i understand
  5. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xVICIOUSx 7 (now director) EO Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1472-awesomeness/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He built EO from a split from TW to be the best division there is. He was always asking around hwat he can do to become better and caused his division to split in a little under 8 months which is very impressive being that a lot of divisions don't split anyways (no pun intended). he was always accessible meaning if you needed him for absolutely ANYTHING whether clan op related or not he was always able to be gotten ahold of. He is a prime example of how a division leader should be and is a great model for those to come Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI trigga plz 4CPT Tempest FG Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10288-ksitriggaplz/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has taken very good leadership roles in his squad. When i placed him as a captain he wasn't too fond of it being that he didn't know the different responsibilities from LT to CPT. as a captain he has exceled beyond expectations to help bring Tempest (Napalm) up with KSI AngelsMERC who is now the gen. He has taken insight from myself as a mentor and other gens and 7s to become the best captain he can be within his division. He constantly trains other CPLs, SGTs, and evn LTs on how to become the best leader they can be within KSI to further better the division
  6. I witness to the master recruiter award. Back when i was in TW before we split to EO he was recruiting off the walls. I can confirm he has over the required recruits for this because he also assisted a lot of the members in the squad i was in
  7. This guy has by far exceeded expectations and definitely deserves Outstanding Service Award. When our div split from TW we had a competition going on as generals and we challenged each other with who could split first. We encouraged and pushed our members and he ended up splitting 2 weeks before me. And then not only with that split a month later he had his members back up to full squad and split right after i got my split. As a general he was always helping out not only his members but others as well. He was gaming with every other squad and helping their sergeants, LTs, and CPTs with whatever they needed. He was going above and beyond what a General was expected to do. Then he was promoted to CoFounder and as a CoFo in EO he has helped tremendously with leadership development in other members. He is currently rebuilding his squad that he was general of for the general placed in charge left for personal reasons. even with that in his hands he still has been helping other members in OTHER DIVS about what we are doing to be so successful as one of the newest divs growing to be a force to be reckoned with. And i can verify for Master Recruiter this guy has too many recruits to count
  8. Live your life to build a legacy. Whether positive or negative, that's your choice.

  9. I was actually captain of the HH team.
  10. I can witness for all of the above except for Headhunter. Back in Phoenix i was the one who created and managed the HH team being that POWERS wasnt such a great player. lol. I claim this guy as my mentor. When i cam back to KSI he helped me out in all the changes that had been made in my five month absence. He has since continued to be over me and guide me into the position i have gotten to as a CoFounder. As outstanding service he has gone above and beyond his expectations and requirements. He was acting CoFo for my squad plus five others due to recent promotions. Now that I am a CoFo he has since helped me to understand what I need to do to fulfill my duties. (Mentor) Also for outstanding service he has helped out other members in different divisions to suggest things to do different that has made our division a new powerhouse (no pun intended to other divs). For trainer I can verify this also due to me being wherever he has been since last May. I have witnessed him train over 40 people. Thats just when i was in his party/lobby. And he has trained over 100 members since I have been back in KSI. For Member Assistance, he has helped others in our div about what KSI truly means beyond what trainers and recruiters tell them. He tells how one can truly show Knowledge, Strength, and Integrity not only in KSI but in life in general.
  11. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xFALLENx 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/101-the-fallen/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Committed Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) When i first joined in August of 2011 i changed my gamertag that night to a KSI tag. I had it from August to December which is 5 months. When I rejoined last May i changed my GT back to a KSI tag. so that is 8 months which puts the time at 13 months with a KSI gamertag. If it has to be a consecutive 12 months i understand.
  12. i see i see. just wondering. lol sorry for the question. and like roman said, i ws just recently pormoted to cofo
  13. If you need any more input I attest to all three. Since I came back to KSI in May, Roman has done nothing but help me out. He helped me get back into my old division which he was Div Leader at the time. Once we split into my division Explosive Ordinance he has helped us out tremendously growing to 400 in 3 months. He has placed leadership where it needs to be and placing Vicious in charge was the best decision. He has helped me out in my squad by giving me advice on what i can do personally to better myself as a general and helping me to get members other than officers to recruit constantly. As we speak we are preparing for another split. Aside from that he has passed his knowledge on to the 7s of my division on how we can better it and make it the best div in KSI history.
  14. congrats everyone!!! Fully deserving!!!!
  15. your squad has nothing on my squad. that is all

  16. sorry for not getting back on this dont worry about the OS lvl 1 everyone is lazy. but go ahead just for trainer my cofo even said hes not going to because he is lazy so w/e
  17. okay will do Sorry for the misunderstanding
  18. I had ROMAN 7 a director post and KSI xViciousx 7, mycurrent Co-Div soon to be div leader post. Need more?
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