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IAmChieffy last won the day on March 12 2023

IAmChieffy had the most liked content!

About IAmChieffy

  • Birthday 02/08/1994

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    Tampa, Fl
  • Gamertag
    Ask for it.
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  1. Hello. If you happen to stumble upon this, I hope you're doing well. If we haven't met before, my name is Chieffy. It's truly a pleasure to meet you. While I haven't been in KSI for quite some time, I often find myself coming back here. You see, KSI to me means more than anyone could ever possibly imagine.

    The day was December 21, 2012. The end of the world was supposed to happen and someone by the name of KSI Bear invited me to join this gaming community. Before I knew it, I was thrown into a Black Ops 2 Headhunters. It was truly one of the best nights of my life up until that point. I met a group of people that shared the same interests as me. While I wasn't the most interactive person on the planet, I truly felt like I belonged.  Fast forward about 9 months and I became general over Viper FI, my first time holding the prestigious rank and running my own squad. Due to life circumstances (Being a college student), I had to hand the reigns over. Over the next several years, I would hop in and out of KSI, but always ready to come back when the timing was right.

    To make a long story short, this website holds a lot of memories for me. You may feel the same or you could just be stumbling upon it for the first time. I don't know what the future holds for KSI, but I hope it brings as much joy for you as it did for me. Until we meet again friend.


    P.S - If you want to add me on Xbox, GT is IAmChieffy.

  2. I honestly just enjoy the candy aspect. Also enjoy November 1st when that candy is discounted at the store
  3. The year Bruce Springsteen did the show. Been a while, I know that much.
  4. KSI iChief / ThisIsChieffy It's My Birthday Today is my birthday! ThisIsChieffy - KSI Global (ksiforums.org)
  5. Can I get the award for the Queen of Fright? @KSI Shatner7
  6. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSI iChief / ThisIsChieffy Award Hobbyist , Gamerscore Hoarder, Only Phans Award Hobbyist - Currently have 44 awards Gamerscore Hoarder - Currently at 38,652. Only Phans - Sitting at 221 followers ThisIsChieffy - KSI Global (ksiforums.org)
  7. Hope you're doing well Mrs. Chieffy <3


  8. Original post has been edited with 2 Staff Awards
  9. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI iChief @Chieffy Award Clip Commander Round of Applause Three Cheers Gamerscore Rookie Forums Novice Twitch Sub Execute Order 77 All Hail The Pickle King Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) (1) Coffin Dance Easter Egg w/ KSI iChief - YouTube Currently have 33 awards at time of this post Gamerscore currently at 35107 Currently at 798 Posts File down below shows the Sub 2 Staff Awards
  10. Recruiting Workshop Hosted by : KSI iChief Date : 6/25/21 Attendance : KSIBronyFilm @KSI BronyFilm Evidence : I hosted and posted it in the CS Activity Log
  11. KSIxRONL67x7 @KSIxRONL67x7 Leadership Aspects Workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I posted it in the CS Activity Log Profile Link if possible @Chieffy
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