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UBER 7 last won the day on February 25 2017

UBER 7 had the most liked content!

About UBER 7

  • Birthday 09/17/1992

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    United States
  • Gamertag
    KSI Uber 7
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UBER 7's Achievements

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Advanced Member (3/4)



  1. Nate recruited me back in 2008, and in the times that we worked together he did his best to teach me everything I needed to know about the community. He is one of the members who helped groomed me to one day achieve my goal of becoming a Div leader. We have shared countless hours coming up with ideas to better the community, and he would one day make it happen by creating the history team and the new era of PO. In this time he has worked hard to train new PO's and new leadership coming in, and has done an amazing job! He deserves this award, he is an OG old fart in this community
  2. Teach me how to ducky!!! :frantics:

    1. UBER 7

      UBER 7

      I will teach you the ways of the DUCKY :)

    2. KSI BadKitty 7
  3. Pokemon games have pretty catchy music
  4. I just finished The office( American Version). Great show!
  5. Just finished the last season of The Office. Awesome show!!
  6. To much good music to choose one band, but I do love Memphis May Fire
  7. I cannot say that I have a favorite movie because there are to many awesome movies out there, but I do have to say I love the Horror genre!
  8. Square Enix does an amazing job when it comes to the music. Especially in Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Also I think everyone can say that Halo has some of the best and most memorable music.
  9. I am waiting for season 4 of The Originals ( My favorite show ever!!), and part 2 of season 7 for The Walking Dead. Also Cannot wait for some more Tokyo Ghoul!
  10. You gotta listen to Hurricane live by 30 seconds to mars. So addicting!
  11. Im rewatchhing Workaholics. One of my favorite shows for sure!
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