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Everything posted by UBER 7

  1. Ive been listening to a lot of Asking Alexandria, A day to Remember, Of mice and men
  2. UBER 7


    Come on peeps post here saying its a great IDEA! lol
  3. Awesome work guys and gals on the PIC!!!
  4. UBER 7


    We were talking about it in a party I think this will get more members active as well. Not to mention it would be very fun!
  5. UBER 7


    We need to have a karaoke night it would be so much fun! people post here if you think this would be a good idea!
  6. It would probably be better on reach but it could be done on halo 3 also
  7. We could have competitions on Halos Forge mode! That would be interesting to see Maybe build some racing maps and have a racing Tournament. I would definitely be down for that!!
  8. Senior Leader of the Month -* Royal Member noted as best in that rank (Senior Directors, CEO, CAO, COO and Board Members can recieve this) Director of the Month -* Apocalypse 7 Member noted as best in that rank Division Leader of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Co-Division Leader of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Founder of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Co-Founder of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank General of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Major of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Captain of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Lieutenant of the Month -* Member noted as best in that rank Forum Staff of the Month - * Luci Best member of the Forum Staff of the Month, Moderator Staff thru to Admin Team Writer of The Month -* This award is given to the NewsTeam member who has written the best news article of the month that is Published on any KSI website. Member of the Month -* Member was the Best member of the month (ANY MEMBER CAN BE PUT IN FOR THIS) Top Recruiter of the Month -* Recruited the Most Members Correctly in the duration of a month. Top Donor of the Month -* Donate the most to KSI within a month.
  9. *Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Choas 7 *Director of the Year - QueenJess 7 *Division Leader of the Year - KSI Hitman 7 *Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Coden 77 *Founder of the Year - KSI RiKu 187 *Co- Founder of the Year - illusions *General of the Year - Madara( Tyrant 7) *Major of the Year - Metalhead *Captain of the Year - Trauma 7 *Lieutenant of the Year - Monotooi *Member of the Year - FuzzyMeep 7 *Recruiter of the Year - KSI RIKU 187 *Donor of the Year - Luci *Forum Staff of the Year - KSI LuciLux 7 *Writer of the Year -Ace
  10. Wow its getting crazy in here talikin about all my members lol
  11. Senior Leader of the Month -* KSI Chaos 7 Does his job very good. Always has a bit of advice for me. Director of the Month -* KSI QueenJess 7- Very hard worker, great FTLA Mentor Co-Division Leader of the Month -* KSI DEMON 7- Helps keep FS together. HArd worker Founder of the Month -* KSI Airborne RI- MAss recruiter, mass trainer, always does a good job Co-Founder of the Month -* KSI Madara 7- Does a great job maintaining the squads hes over. Does well traing the generals under him General of the Month -* KSI xheavyduty44- massive recruiter massive trainer. Started his squad a week ago and its already at 69
  12. For our member of the month award we are doing in our division, Airborne had a banner made and I would like to have it posted as an award to whoever gets it plz
  13. General of the month: KSI Airborne RI Reasons: HE has worked really hard as a general. He is the best general we have in FS and HE has the best squad. He keeps the squad very active. He also knows how to get the job done. I am proud to have him as a general in FS!
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