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OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI HEFNER 7 and one other reacted to KSI Sub 7 for a topic
Ever since I meet @KSI HEFNER 7 he has always been a guy that members can count on being there for them. Pointing them in the right direction, hanging out and gaming, and doing whatever it takes to find the answers to their questions when he doesn't have it right off hand. He's on top of his game with retention and integrating with members, even if they're not in his own squad. He's well known throughout the squads, as well as the community, and truly exemplifies what we stand for as a community. Without people like Hefner, this community wouldn't continue to make the strides that it does in working towards positive growth. It's an honour and privilege to know herfer and see the efforts he puts in every single day! Keep up the great work mate your a beast at what you do and keep up[ the great work mate. see you going far with in the community @KSI HEFNER 72 points -
OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI WldMama7 and one other reacted to KSI Slick 7 for a topic
Well well well… bout damn time. Kidding but not kidding. I stand here before the to make my statement why this man deserves his OS2 with out a shadow of a doubt. First and foremost our brother in arms KSI Hefner 7 is in the UK. While this may not mean much to most it does to me. He is 6 hours ahead of KSI time which is Eastern standard time. Meaning when it’s 7pm prime time for us it’s 1am for him. He’s made countless changes to his personal life to benefit the members and officers below him. He’s sacrificed time with loved ones, being tired at his job and other things to make sure his assignments are done right and on time. I watched Hefner 7 enter KSI into a squad that was majorly struggling. He soon became the life of that squad even with a general who was consistently holding him back on shining while they were too busy playing footsie with their favorites. Hefner 7 eventually became tired of it and took a short break. While I myself thought I had personally failed him by not moving quicker in some instances to get him where he deserved he soon proved my thoughts wrong. I thought that would be the last we saw of him in the rank until he came back. When this man came back he did so with the upmost Integrity. Came back with deep Knowledge of how things work and how things should operate and lead by example to those around him. Lastly he came back with Strength. He refused to fail, refused to fall and refused to be slept on. This man led the charge on his own destiny. Wanting to have that 7 in his name he worked his butt off with his fellow officers. Eventually taking the reins as Gen, he did well. He turned the squad into a full functioning and active squad eventually handing the reigns over to one of his fellow and knowledgable captains. As a CoFo and 7 of Clan Operations this man has never steered away from a challenge. If their was an issue anywhere he was the first to volunteer to go over and help fix it and still has that same mentality months later. Hefner 7 was one of the guys I truly missed when he took a break even though we didn’t have many back and fourths I can recall him always asking valuable questions, paying attention and being attentive in important talks and always having the members best interest at heart. Since his return I’ve watched this man overcome so many challenges and adversity especially with his time zone difference. It’s been an honor watching him grow and prosper fully filling his roles as a CoFounder of Clan Operations and I look forward to what his path has in store for him down the road. Thank you @KSI HEFNER 7 for all you have done and all you continuously give to this community. You have been a privilege to work with and it’s been my honor to watch you prosper and get the recognition you so rightfully deserved. Keep on keeping on brother 🤘🏻🫡2 points -
KSI Hefner 7 Multi Noms
KSI HEFNER 7 and one other reacted to KSIPROPHECY7 for a topic
Gamertag / Forums Name KSI HEFNER 7 Award: Committed, Dedicated (Member has been apart of KSI since APR 5 2021) Friendly, Approachable ( member has 6 days won on profile) Legen, Ripple Effect, On Point, Round of Applause, Three Cheers, Award Hobbyist (Member has atleast 40 awards on Forums) Novice Recruiter, Pro Recruiter, Master Recruiter ( Member has RCTed and also Assisted in the RCTing of over 150 Members into KSI Gamerscore Master ( Member has over 50k Gamerscore SS in AAP) Squad Splitter ( The squad Fallen Split and made the newest Squad Odyssey and This member was the General at the Time of the split and became a Co Founder shortly after) Twitch (SS in AAP) Server Booster (SS in AAP) Staff Awards: All Hail the Pickle King, The Covert Shinobi, Lucis Side, Samurai Savages, The Double Agent, We All Fit Together, Apex Legends Any evidence- All Screenshots posted in AAP Chat, And I KSIPROPHECY7 vouche for all awards that need a Co Founder or above witness Profile Link if possible @KSI HEFNER 72 points -
1 point
OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI HEFNER 7 reacted to KSI WldMama7 for a topic
How do you say thank you or reconize the sacrifices made. I feel the best way is to put them up for an award that allows you to have everyone chime in. KSI Hefner 7 has been through his share of ups and downs in this community. One thing that sticks out is that he often does what needs to be done without a lot of fan fare or attention seeking he just does what he feels is right and because of this his works are often overlooked. Hefner has been an integral part of helping to rebuild and establish new things that benefit the officers and members of this community. He has stuck it through when the officer core of a squad he is over decided to leave. He has been steadily working towards rebuilding the squad. He has not rushed because he wants it done right. Hefner is one of the few current 7s that has recently successfully split a squad. The newest squad is flourishing and growing. It was the first split in nearly 2 yrs. Hefners helped to come up with some changes to our google docs that help the officers track activity of their members and assist with training up coming officers for the positions like Gen and a 7 because of the details that they learn to attend to through the docs. Because of his intuitive way of handling things and his ideas many of our officers will be better prepared to move upwards into leadership areas if they so choose. Hefner is one of the quieter 7s however when he does speak on issues his insight is on point. I have known Hefner since his days as a captain in Samurai and I can truly say that this community would not be the same without his presence. I whole heartedly feel he deserves the OS2 and so much more. Thank You @KSI HEFNER 7for all that you do. I know that often times we feel like we aren't given credit where credit is due. From this Division Leader I hearby nominate you for your OS2 which has been a long time coming and should have been given a while ago. Thank you1 point -
OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI HEFNER 7 reacted to KSI xSWAG 7 for a topic
Well well what can I say about this great guy does everything and above and beyond for his division. I believe Henfer is worth of his OS2 of how long he has come . I’ve learn new knowledge from this man and is an amazing co founder and a great teacher. Also loves to help others is any way he can keep it up bro1 point -
OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI HEFNER 7 reacted to KSI Tiger 77 for a topic
I witness KSI HEFNER's hard work and dedication to this community. I meet KSI HEFNER back in July of 2023 when we did our super squad. He put in many hours in getting the members changed over to the new squad. This is a man who doesn't sleep when things need to be done. He then went and became Gen of Fallen and worked with the officers individually when needed to help them be the best they can be. Not only did he do for our squad he help out wherever and whenever he could. He has so much patience with everything he deals with. He was the best Gen I ever had in the time I've been a part of KSI. Now that he has moved up to Co-Fo, he does even more he gets his hands in all the cookie jars. He is a man with many different talents. He is always there when you need him even if it's just to vent. HEFNER will give you every tool you need to succeed. I just want to thank you for all your teaching and game playing you have done with me.1 point -
OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI HEFNER 7 reacted to KSI DEMON 9 for a topic
I bear witness to @KSI HEFNER 7 outstanding service. Ever since I’ve been back there has been always one constant and that’s hef. Weather it’s helping achieve levels on First Decendent or grinding rank on apex. Hef is alway gaming or helping out. The outstanding service comes here in fallen whilst the squad was in dire straits hef continued to get in touch with members and coaching myself and the other officers within fallen to be the very best with what we have. Does he deserve this award YES and then some, but OS2 will do for now1 point -
OS L2 KSI Hefner 7
KSI HEFNER 7 reacted to KSI Fire38 for a topic
I myself can say that KSI Hefner 7 has been outstanding throughout the whole KSI community. he’s not only helping out by being one of the 7s, but also acting as a General in a squad. This is what you call, dedicated and motivated.. He really deserve the outstanding service reward for sure. He has been a great teacher and a great help to everyone., And if you looking for help with Apex, he is your guy for the job 😆😆 so again my guy deserves the outstanding servers award. The evidence is in Clan ops!!!!! Thank again @KSI HEFNER 71 point -
MULTI NOM Department Awards
KSI Ridden reacted to KSI Sub 7 for a topic
awarded though out this post1 point -
1 point
1 point
KSI Guns4hire self nom
KSI FleeTheScene reacted to KSIPROPHECY7 for a topic
Legen (Verified) - Yes Call of Duty (Verified) - Yes1 point -
1 point
1 point
2024 Spirit Week Forum Challenge
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to Bane 7 for a topic
LET GOOOOO, happy Spirit week ES is cool1 point -
2024 Spirit Week Forum Challenge
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI Anti Legion for a topic
Let's goooooooooooo WICKED DESTRUCTION1 point -
1 point
2024 Spirit Week Forum Challenge
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to Loyalty Paradox for a topic
CS to the other divs: how many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man?1 point -
2024 Spirit Week Forum Challenge
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI Tea 7 for a topic
Let’s go CS ( Clap clap clap) Let’s go CS (clap clap clap) hahaha!!1 point -
1 point
1 point
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI GLIZZYTRON for a topic
I enjoyed my time with one of my friends and my staying home watching fireworks and having a few drinks.1 point -
1 point
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSIALISTAIR for a topic
I went to the beach and watched fireworks go off and drink holy water1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSIxLEGIONx7 for a topic
My favorite 4th of July was when I was in my late 20s ..I invited all my family and friends and threw a big block party with bbq and fireworks it was great the kids absolutely loved it1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to assaultman1 for a topic
Went to the battleship NJ when she was at drydock1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI UNB0RN 7 for a topic
We had/did fireworks, food, i only got to see the tail end had to work lol1 point -
1 point
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI Azrael 7 for a topic
watched fireworks with family and friends1 point -
1 point
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI Hatrid for a topic
still salty about taking that L yall are using aimbot get reported but happy 4th of July my fav memory in ksi is becoming an officer and experiencing all my conrads moving up in the ranks and become successful1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI Fire38 for a topic
I remember I had my first kiss on Fourth of July1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSIxFryed420 for a topic
I worked a 10am to close shift that day but got to see fireworks with my coworkers and we even was allowed to set off fireworks in our parking lot while it wasn’t busy so we did lol even though we was at work it still was a fun night1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI DEMON 9 for a topic
I went on a float trip to the river and watched the fireworks1 point -
Forums Blitz 4th July!
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSISharkie666 for a topic
What I did this year for the 4th of July was work for almost 4hrs and then came home and hung out with my neighbors1 point -
New Member Certified Self Nomination Topic
KSI Tea 7 reacted to KSI Alpha01 for a topic
Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Alpha01 @KSI Alpha01 Award: New member certified Evidence: KSI TEA 7 gave me the workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI TEA 71 point -
KSI HEFNER 7 November monthly donation award
KSI HEFNER 7 reacted to KSISharkie666 for a topic
Gamertag: KSI HEFNER 7 Forums Account @KSI HEFNER 7 Award: Thankful for you Evidence: screenshot sent to aap chat on discord and myself and KSIPROPHECY7 in discord dms1 point -
KSI WldMama 7 Nom
KSISharkie666 reacted to KSIPROPHECY7 for a topic
Gamertag / Forums Name KSI WldMama 7 Award: Bright Idea Any evidence if required Evidence cant be posted as the google docs are sensitive material but Mama played a huge role in the beginning of the Sheets as well as creating some of the Workshops used for officer training today. Profile Link if possible @KSI WldMama71 point -
KSI FORTY 7 <Marine Support> Self Nomination
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI FORTY 7 for a topic
Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7 Award: Marine Support Any evidence: Served in the Marine Corps. - Evidence presented upon request Meta Award: Legen-1 point -
KSI FORTY 7 <Marine Support> Self Nomination
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSI FORTY 7 for a topic
*starts flipping through the Rolodex* lets do it1 point -
Spring Break 2024 Forums Challenge
KSI Atom 7 reacted to KSI Nebula 7 for a topic
My plans this year are to RELAX and next yea ill probably do the same lol P.S I was yet again forced to do this... please rescue me1 point -
Spring Break 2024 Forums Challenge
KSI Atom 7 reacted to KSI Anti Legion for a topic
Every year is the same as the next mostly gaming...lol So I'll do something a little different this year and next an start going out more with my kids and grill and picnic.1 point -
Spring Break 2024 Forums Challenge
KSI Atom 7 reacted to KSIxLEGIONx7 for a topic
This year I'll be salt River rafting in Arizona Next year I don't really have anything planned .. I'm just going with the flow.. Lol1 point -
Spring Break 2024 Forums Challenge
KSI Atom 7 reacted to KSIxFryed420 for a topic
This year I’ll be working for the most part and next year I plan on going on a road trip to site see1 point -
Spring Break 2024 Forums Challenge
KSI Atom 7 reacted to KSI DEMON 9 for a topic
My plans for this year to go mushroom hunting and fishing next year I will be going on vacation1 point -
New Member Certified Self Nomination Topic
KSIPROPHECY7 reacted to KSIMeshelly for a topic
Gamertag/Forums name: KSIMeshelly112 Award: new member certified Evidence: posted in event log on discord. Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Hatrid1 point -
1 point
Love Forums Poll 2024
KSI Sub 7 reacted to Loyalty Paradox for a topic
First! Lol Love ❤️ Also Shouting out @http://i.imgur.com/Cs5q0Lm.gifAwoken Lucifer to my fellow Brit living on American soil. Known you for ages from when you used to change forums names for fun and just game with us now you're back in clan ops doing smashing work- keep it up!1 point -
KSI Uppish 7 OS3
KSI Uppish 7 reacted to KSI Shatner7 for a topic
At this time, i'd like to call on @KSI xKing 77 @KSI Swag 77 @KSI DC 77 @KSI JAK KNIFE 7 @KSI Stack @KSI KingdomX and @KSI Infid3las witnesses.1 point