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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/28/2011 in Status Updates
Fake People have an Image to Maintain Real People Just Don't Care
KSI Uppish 7 and 7 others reacted to Scarface 77 for a status update
Fake People have an Image to Maintain Real People Just Don't Care8 points -
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some pa
Solar Obsession and 7 others reacted to KSI HHooters 7 for a status update
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.8 points -
Happy Independence Day fam! Hope y’all have a safe and fun day!<3
xpursuedleopard and 5 others reacted to KSI MetalBarbie for a status update
Happy Independence Day fam! Hope y’all have a safe and fun day!<36 points -
I am FuzzyMeep™ and 4 others reacted to Awoken Lucifer for a status update
heartfelt sympathies to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday. Condolences
Finally FaIIout and 4 others reacted to Awoken Lucifer for a status update
heartfelt sympathies to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday. Condolences go out to all the friends and family of those involved in such a pointless and senseless waste of life.5 points -
Congratulations on the promotions. Well deserved. KSI DC 7 on Head of Education @KSI
KSI xSmitty and 3 others reacted to xKami for a status update
Congratulations on the promotions. Well deserved. KSI DC 7 on Head of Education @KSI DC 7 KSI MeShell 7 and KSI Blitz11 on Forums Mod #ToxicMods @KSI MeShell 7@KSI Blitz11 KSI Barb 7 and KSI Rogue 7 on Education Mentor @KSI Barb 7@KSI Rogue 7 xBrownie VI on Senior T&E Staff @xBrownie VI4 points -
To all of you reading this I can only speak for myself on why I have left the communi
KSI Spvrkle and 3 others reacted to xKami for a status update
To all of you reading this I can only speak for myself on why I have left the community. If you want anyone else’s reasoning then please just ask them. About 2 months ago I was in the hospital for heart related problems with a heart rate of 150+ that wouldn’t subside. I’m starting to get very stressed out again and that was one of the scariest things I have ever gone through in my life. I have put my heart and soul into this community and please understand why I need to step back. I don’t want anything bad to happen but I have to think about myself at this point even though this might seem selfish to some. Yes there are also some things I also don’t agree with at the moment but my main reason for leaving is my health. Kami4 points -
Ten facts about you 1. You are reading this right now. 2. You are realizing this is a
KSI Samygirl928 and 3 others reacted to xKami for a status update
Ten facts about you 1. You are reading this right now. 2. You are realizing this is a stupid fact. 4. You didn’t realize I skipped number three. 5. You’re checking now. 6. You’re smiling. 7. You’re reading this even though it’s stupid. 9. You didn’t realize I skipped number eight. 10. You’re Checking again and smiling because you fell for it again. 11. You’re enjoying this. 12. You didn’t realize there was only supposed to be 10 facts.4 points -
For all of the Snowflakes out there who still have not managed to grasp simple logic
KSI OddBa11 and 3 others reacted to Awoken Lucifer for a status update
For all of the Snowflakes out there who still have not managed to grasp simple logic of the world and like to wave the mighty flag of butthurt: :D REMEMBER KIDS NO MEANS NO!!!! Like the rest of the staff of the forums and in KSI we are not not here to coddle you and hold your hand when a mean person tells you santa and the easter bunny are not real. Like the rest of the forums staff we are here to do our jobs and uphold the rules and standards of the forums and KSI. Here is a basic example of how warnings go. 1: verbal: we ask you to stop. 2: ban: if you dont listen and you keep going we ban you from either posting or the entire forums. Thank you for taking the time to read this update........ ^ also i love cookies and bananana pudding...providing it has enough banana in.4 points -
It was one of those times you feel a sense of loss, even though you didn't have somet
KSI Memes and 3 others reacted to KSI HHooters 7 for a status update
It was one of those times you feel a sense of loss, even though you didn't have something in the first place. I guess that's what disappointment is- a sense of loss for something you never had.4 points -
Giving a shout out to my fellow Stryker members. Thank you for the support and help y
KSI Rockdogg 7 and 3 others reacted to Banditkilla for a status update
Giving a shout out to my fellow Stryker members. Thank you for the support and help you have been giving me to become a better KSI member. I look forward to having many more amazing times with you guys and learning more so that i rank up in the squad. NightHawk, Th3Blaz3, and my good friend Silence I especially thank you for your training and support through it all. I'm grateful to have you three as my close friends.4 points -
Issues don't Define me...I Define me...... I am NOT a dissease i am a person I am Not
powderd cream and 3 others reacted to Awoken Lucifer for a status update
Issues don't Define me...I Define me...... I am NOT a dissease i am a person I am Not a mental condition i am a person I am a person and i am not alone. ^ smart words to remember4 points -
I have the best squad ever.
KSI BlueScythe and 3 others reacted to KSI Mamatank for a status update
I have the best squad ever.4 points -
I swear people crack me up man. All I gotta say lol
CursedFaolan and 2 others reacted to KSI Starset 7 for a status update
I swear people crack me up man. All I gotta say lol3 points -
3 points
Blessed to see another year of life!
KSIXSnoopXDOGG and 2 others reacted to KSI Starset 7 for a status update
Blessed to see another year of life!3 points -
This goes for everyone who supported me in KSI as well.
KSI TyraTreXxuS and 2 others reacted to xKami for a status update
This goes for everyone who supported me in KSI as well.3 points -
3 points
Song of the day!
KSI Gosuko and 2 others reacted to KSI Starset 7 for a status update
Song of the day!3 points -
******SPIRIT WEEK ********
KSI ICUNowAnL8TR and 2 others reacted to DntAskImAwfl for a status update
******SPIRIT WEEK ********3 points -
Honesty is a very expensive gift Don't expect it from cheap people Warren Buffett
KSI Shockr 7 and 2 others reacted to DntAskImAwfl for a status update
Honesty is a very expensive gift Don't expect it from cheap people Warren Buffett3 points -
Overwhelmed with nostalgia
Squeek 7 and 2 others reacted to DoCNeSS for a status update
Overwhelmed with nostalgia3 points -
Honored to be KSI's Chief Operating Officer and excited to see what KSI Scotland 7 will do running KSI Departments!3 points
Sigh....why do people make me pull the parental tone of voice out and be blunt as hel
Freya and 2 others reacted to Awoken Lucifer for a status update
Sigh....why do people make me pull the parental tone of voice out and be blunt as hell and revert to OLD luci....the wrathfull Devil of Angry English rage.??? Why cant people just look at a crude drawing and understand "ah, so its not a conspiracy....i screwed up" T_T......life of the sleeping wrathful luci....3 points -
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm
Finally FaIIout and 2 others reacted to KSI Gary 7 for a status update
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.3 points -
“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but m
x iPrecious and 2 others reacted to KSI HHooters 7 for a status update
“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”3 points -
I just like to make everyone look at my status update !
KSI PlatypusSvg and 2 others reacted to KSI Gary 7 for a status update
I just like to make everyone look at my status update !3 points -
We make mistakes in life, but the true mistake is not learning from them.
KSI PlatypusSvg and 2 others reacted to xKami for a status update
We make mistakes in life, but the true mistake is not learning from them.3 points -
Is see you, creeping
xKami and 2 others reacted to KSI Gary 7 for a status update
Is see you, creeping3 points -
New name, who dis???
Aloha and 2 others reacted to KSI BadKitty 7 for a status update
New name, who dis???3 points -
Diplomatic reminder and disclaimer for approaching or violating the boarders of luci:
Toji and 2 others reacted to Awoken Lucifer for a status update
Diplomatic reminder and disclaimer for approaching or violating the boarders of luci: Im anti social for a good reason....I did my time in squads and divisions I dont need the drama....im happily retired from divisions and squads. I am more than just another "7" for every random to spam add thinking we'll be BEST BUDDIES. I am a person....WHO GREATLY enjoys their privacy and peace. kk. think before you decide oooh lets Add ALL THINGS WITH A 7.....kk3 points -
I gave it my all. I was dedicated and loyal. I was always honest when I spoke. I alwa
KSI PapaShocK 7 and 2 others reacted to Riegns Vii for a status update
I gave it my all. I was dedicated and loyal. I was always honest when I spoke. I always thought that's how things were supposed to be. I guess I was wrong. I put so much time into trying to do my best to make things better. But it doesn't matter now. It has never mattered. All I wanted was to be a respected member and leader, and I got the opposite. Trying my best was never enough. My opinions never mattered. I, never mattered.3 points -
So I doing another game night next Sunday on the 27th on black ops 2 ,360 @8or9est..H
KSI Ms Legion and 2 others reacted to KSIxLEGIONx7 for a status update
So I doing another game night next Sunday on the 27th on black ops 2 ,360 @8or9est..Hosted by me KSI LEGION and CO-HOSTED by KSI ANTI LEGION .. we will be giving away SIX 10$ gift cards we want all divisions AND other Squads that have the same interest to join it will be a open lobby...it will be different game modes from core to hardcore ,SND, party games, Michael Myers, TDM, amd much more ...it's going to be pretty random...and it will be pretty long...so if you guys are down hit me up ..one love FAM3 points -
Welcome to KSI fam!! I'm Blis from Paragon LS and saw you were a new member so I just
KSI FireHeart 7 and 2 others reacted to KSI ApBlis 7 for a status update
Welcome to KSI fam!! I'm Blis from Paragon LS and saw you were a new member so I just thought I'd welcome you to the family and I hope you love it here!!<33 points -
So some of my guys have ask me how to become a great leader. The best advice I can gi
KSI PieBoy45 and 2 others reacted to KSI Mamatank for a status update
So some of my guys have ask me how to become a great leader. The best advice I can give any one is give your members the respect and they will give you it. Be there for them in any way show them you do care about them. Tell them that you appreciate everything that they do the little things counts, It dose not matter how big or how small. Without your members the squad is nothing. You don't make the squad. Be understand listen to them. Push your members a little tell them that they can it they can make the change and the differences in the squad. You don't make the squad. You help guide them and you show the way of how to become leaders.3 points -
I think i finally got the forums figured out
KSI Banned and 2 others reacted to KSI BOOGA 7 for a status update
I think i finally got the forums figured out3 points -
Quote I am so proud to Hypnos Gen. I am so proud of you guys
KSI PieBoy45 and 2 others reacted to KSI Mamatank for a status update
3 points -
Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be whe
KSI MadHatterH and 2 others reacted to KSI LeTHaLVibes for a status update
Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be where i am now. Firsty, i would like to just thank KSI Mountain 7 for recruiting me [4th March 2016] if you didnt find me that day i would not of been in the position i am in now. i feel like KSI is my home and if it wasnt for you, i would of never been able to learn as much as i have, or have the opportunity to help others the way you have all helped me! Secondly, i would like to thank KSI TkillRising [my General]. it is an honour and an absolute privilege to be one of your officers. Thank you so much for all the support you give me to push on forward and be better. You are an amazing Gen and i wish you the best of luck in moving up higher in the ranks. If you didnt believe i could do the things i am doing now, then i dont think i would have been able to get to where i am. thank you brother. Thirdly, i would just like to shoutout KSI Bushmaster7, i am truly honoured to have you as my higher. the work you put in is truly astonishing, there must be a lot of stress in the position you are in, but you continue to do a great job. Also, thank you for everything you do to not only help Death, but to all squads you overlook. KSI is my family and im sorry if this all sounded soppy but i truly am thankful to all of you and wanted to just take a little time to show a little appreciation for all you have done for me.3 points -
@KSI MFLSwagg 7 : Pickles and cream..... AND DONUTS our motto
KSI Swag 77 and 2 others reacted to KSI Madhattress for a status update
@KSI MFLSwagg 7 : Pickles and cream..... AND DONUTS our motto3 points -
Been workin hell of hours at work and focused on my future
KSI MadHatterH and 2 others reacted to KSI Madhattress for a status update
Been workin hell of hours at work and focused on my future3 points -
Had a great game night with my KSI members tonight looking forward to the next one
Ivy TSB and 2 others reacted to KSI.GeekedBeast for a status update
Had a great game night with my KSI members tonight looking forward to the next one3 points -
Glad to be apart of KSI looking forward to some great times with my other KSI members
Ivy TSB and 2 others reacted to KSI.GeekedBeast for a status update
Glad to be apart of KSI looking forward to some great times with my other KSI members happy gaming3 points -
How do you add a payment option or paypal or something so i can donate to the forms?
Ivy TSB and 2 others reacted to KSI.GeekedBeast for a status update
How do you add a payment option or paypal or something so i can donate to the forms?3 points -
That gun game was savage
KSI BlueScythe and 2 others reacted to Ivy TSB for a status update
That gun game was savage3 points -
3 points
3 points
Welcome to the forums !!!
KSI TrubleMaker and 2 others reacted to KSI AtomicKwon for a status update
Welcome to the forums !!!3 points -
3 points
word to the frizzay....made me feel tizzay lolololol WELCOME BEATZZZZZZ
Anonymous Fish and 2 others reacted to KSI MsOGSavage for a status update
word to the frizzay....made me feel tizzay lolololol WELCOME BEATZZZZZZ3 points