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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Lozza97

    Lozza97 nom

    Gamertag: Lozza97 link to forums: @Lozza97 awards: on point, unspoken Rizz evidence/reason: I have 15 awards on my forums profile
    1 point
  2. KSI Shatner7

    KSI Sub 7 Nom

    May the 4th Be With You - Yes
    1 point
  3. Tomdog

    Lozza97 nom

    YES to both
    1 point
  4. Tomdog

    KSI Sub 7 Nom

    Mat The 4th Be With You - YES
    1 point
  5. KSI Tiger 77

    KSI Sub 7 Nom

    Mat The 4th Be With You YES
    1 point
  6. KSI Tiger 77

    Lozza97 nom

    YES to both
    1 point
  7. Lozza97

    KSI Sub 7 Nom

    May The 4th With You (Verified) - yes
    1 point
  8. KSI Nezuko

    Lozza97 nom

    On Point (Verified) - Yes Unspoken Rizz (Verified) - Yes
    1 point
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