Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter 77 - WD
Link to forums account - @Hatter 77
Reasoning why they deserve this - Hatter deserves this award for her outstanding work ethic. She does her best to help anyone in WD that is in need. From answering members questions to helping Gens navigate new territory she does it all. She cares about every member in WD and no matter what she has going on does her best to be there for everyone here.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI StarFire WD/Abbadon
Link to forums account - @KSI StarFire
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI StarFire deserves this award because she is whole heartedly dedicated to her Squad. She dedicates herself to her work, officers, and members alike. She is always willing to be there when they need someone to talk. She never shy's from her work and is always looking for more ways to help her squad.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JaxyBoi WD/Vaquish
Link to forums account - @KSI JaxyBoi
Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI JaxyBoi deserves this award because he puts everything he has into his roles. He puts 100% into everything he signs up for. He has come a long way since he first joined the officer staff and he continues to grow with each day that passes. He has learned when to take a step back when he is getting overwhelmed and to look at things from a outside perspective when it comes to problem solving.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI X#1161 WD/Vanquish
Link to forums account - @KSI X
Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI X deserves this award because he has been an outstanding member in Vanquish since he joined. He has been incredibly active and eager to learn from day 1 and has worked his way onto the officer staff from his efforts. He is a great example of what a member of KSI is and should be.