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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2022 in all areas

  1. KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 Its muh burfday!
    1 point
  2. KSI Bane 7 @Bane 7 Birthday award its my birthday you happy? @Loyalty Paradox
    1 point
  3. OGSM0KE619


    Name: KSI OGSM0KE Link to Forums Account: @OGSM0KE619 Award-/-Achievement: ThankfulForYou, Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: Subscribed in November during turkeybowl. (Twitch: OHZERODIGI) helped: KSI Emprish- COD .
    1 point
  4. Gamertag: KSIKillerCrock Link to Forums Account: @KSIKillerCrock Award(s): Naughty or Nice?. Reason/Evidence: sent to AAP chat.
    1 point
  5. Gamertag: KSIKillerCrock Link to Forums Account: @KSIKillerCrock Award: Fresh meat, Rising star, Getting popular, Forums newb, Legen, Ripple effect, Samurai savages, Pokemon Reason/Evidence: I have got 2,614 view on my forums profile. I have also got 134 post on the forums as well and I have got 11 awards
    1 point
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