Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Slick 7 - Senior Director
Link to forums account - @KSI Slick 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Slick is an exceptional help in WD. I know he's a SD, but he plays many other roles as well. Even while at work, he's never to busy to answer a question (It might take a few hours, but we try to be nice to him lol). Managing 3 Divs, while overseeing a squad, and making time for each and every staff member is enough of a reason on why he should get this award. Slick has become a good friend, a person to go to for advice, and a stellar helper even through all he has going on in his RL. Dude is just freaking beast.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7 - Director
Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Uppish is my Director, Div Lead, and Co-Fo all wrapped up in a nice little package. He geta a hella bad rap too, (I can relate lolol). But let me tell you, this man is exactly what a Div needs when trying to move forward. He is always around for anything that my mind has to ask for. He never hesitates, telling it exactly how he sees it, even if he might be wrong. Without Uppish over WD, I don't think things would be where they are right now. He puts in a lot of time and effort to make sure crap gets done, and in the right way, while still allotting time to make sure we have fun. Sometimes, he might over do it, step on toes, make things questionable, but in the good form of any great leader, he admits when he's overstepped something too. I hold a lot of respect for this man, just dont tell him that. Don't need his ego to inflate lmao
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why the deserve this -
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Pathfndr - Vanquish WD
Link to forums account - @KSI Pathfinder
Reasoning why they deserve this - Path is one of those Captains you wish you had 100 of. Hell, all my captains are to be honest. But Path has become one of my right handers, especially here recently. He goes out of his way to make sure every member is accounted for and happy. He's a quick learner, making him an uber wealth of knowledge. If he doesn't know, he finds out asap. I've had a few issues happen over the last week or so, and knew I was leaving my squad in fantastic hands as he told me "Don't worry about it. I got these guys. Go rest". Path is always running around Vanquish pushing our members and staff to continue to give their very best, while still trying to enjoy themselves within the community. He's well known and liked, and will be a fantastic Gen one day.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sasuke08 - Vanquish WD
Link to forums account - @Sasuke08
Reasoning why they deserve this - Sasuke is another example of an excellent officer. He's exceptionally knowledgeable in all aspects of KSI, and better be since he's also on Info Team. He's one of my go-to's when it comes to training up the newer guys, as well as our PO's. He's always got some utterly ridiculous idea floating in his head, but sometimes it makes damned good sense and we use it. He's fantastic when it comes to retention as well, and doesn't mind putting himself out there for all of WD. Don't write this man off ever, because he will come out of left field and floor you with his love of not just our Div, but KSI as a whole. He's true to himself, and doesn't mind saying so. He, too, will be force to be reconned with in WD.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JaxyBoi - SSGT Vanquish WD
Link to forums account - @FuR God69
Reasoning why they deserve this - Now Jaxy is a creature all of his own. He is loving, kind, and can be irritating as hell. But that irritating is what earned him his SSGT promo here recently. Jaxy is a helper in his own nature. He reaches out to EVERYONE within Vanquish. He never gives up, even when his head is down. He is driven as a member for wanting to not just "be here", but to be here to continue to grow Vanquish to the best of his abilities. And man, when he says he's gonna do something, he doesn't just do it, but blows it out of the water. I definitely had my reservations about him in the beginning, but am glad I stuck to my gut. Jaxy is one of those members who will be here for the long run, and will do whatever it takes to continue to move things forward anywhere he is.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Atom 7 - T&E Co-Head
Link to forums account - @Brnk Atom
Reasoning why they deserve this - When most people say Atom's name, they think about his ridiculous skills in pretty much any FPS on the XBox. Some people seem to forget that he's the life force of T&E. This man, dang, he's fantastic at what he does. He's EVERYWHERE, it's scary. He manages his team so well, there usually isn't a single issue, and if there is, I ask and he answers, whether it be fore an annual event or basic community event. And he's not jerky about it at all. Let's be honest, Atom is always willing to help no matter the situation. The work he does in T&E alone speaks for why this man deserves this OTM. His knowledge and assertiveness drives forward for nothing much less than perfection. He's also a really good squad member. To be able to balance being Co-Head and being active within his Div says a lot to his character. He loves a challenge, and honestly, I really like giving them to him.