Department: Web Ops
Gamertag: KSI xStar 7
Link to Profile: @KSI xStar 7
Nominee’s Current Rank: Forums Moderator
Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? yes
Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? yes will be on 9/19/22
Department Staff OTM x2 (won both for work in join area)
Outstanding Service
Forum Staff OTM
Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain.
Originally me and star both became join mods at the same time. We both were looking to progress within web ops and we did. Star worked really hard as a join mod then as a senior join mod. Did she shine enough to be considered a Web Ops hall of famer back then, yes, but, personal life issues happened so she had to depart from KSI. However in September 2021 she came back to KSI. Already she wanted to come back to web ops, and the next application period in November she came back. She made to Senior Join Mod yet again in January. As a Senior Join Mod, I was a forums Moderator, and I helped watch over the join area, so I saw exactly what she has been capable of, and she is and was capable of a lot, and that's what lead to web ops leadership trusting her to take on Senior Join Mod again. Her leadership within Web Ops has been unmatched the whole entire time she's been in. As a Senior Join Mod, she helped teach and get Jewels ready to be a senior join mod, and the whole time Jewels has been a senior join mod, star has always been there for her. Star has been very important in join mod retention, along with others she has hosted many game nights for everyone in web ops. I was always pushing for star to become a forums mod, because of her hard work within the area, with little competition and to just to quote something she once said, "I kick ass". Star is currently a Forums Moderator, responsible for implementing ways to retain members (which has always been a difficult thing in the past) she is responsible for training some of the best join mods and senior join mod, with Star in web ops leadership, the area can only shine bright. Put her in the web ops hall of fame