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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2022 in all areas

  1. KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 Award: Gold Oustanding Service (OS Level 3) Evidence: Forfeiting vote to nominate Supporting Awards: Director of the Year, Director OTM x4 How does he not have this already? Slick is just the man when it comes to getting things handled. Whatever a division needs, he's there for it, and all about it. Whether that's filling in a role from Acting Director to GEN, or being that guiding voice that helps put things into perspective to get his people back on track, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty, and bleeds this community through and through. As a 4 time (take that Dr Disrespect, he's 2 times better than the 2 time) recipient of Director of the Month AND Director of the Year, I'm not sure what else I can say that hasn't been said already, but I know there's plenty of people who can attest to what I've said plus MUCH more!
    2 points
  2. KSI Nezuko @KSI Nezuko Award: Outstanding Service Level 1 Reason/Evidence: Forfeiting my vote in order to nominate. Nezuko started out as this quiet kid that didn't really want to rock the boat by speaking out, but wanted to help however he could. There were days when his time as an officer came into question, but after taking a brief LOA he came back with a vengeance. He grew from a kid, into the guy he is now seemingly overnight, and only continues to get better with time. There were instances when he found himself as the only officer, due to IRL events happening to others, but he never let it get him down. He pushed through with training, making sure game nights were fun and had a great turnout, and really just held his squad together in times where it could've failed. You'll be hard pressed to find someone more on top of their game than Mr. Nezuko, and I don't say that lightly. The once meek mannered kid is now this outspoken, quick witted, awesome guy that's a pleasure to be around and work with. He's always looking to be better and do more, and with everything he's done so far, he'll continue to be a driving force within KSI. For those reasons, and many more, I believe KSI Nezuko is deserving of Outstanding Service Level 1.
    1 point
  3. Gamerscore Rookie - Yes
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Gamerscore Rookie - Yes
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Gamerscore rookie - yes
    1 point
  8. @KSI Slick 7 I know we havent had te chance for much direct interaction however what time we have spent I have greatly enjoyed. You trying to take the time out of your already packed schedule to help direct me and polish some of my not so great areas I really appreciate. Its not often that higher ups take interest in persons who are in a lower position than themselves and it is treasured. Your insights into how to make our division better and how to get ourselves on the right track to success have been on point and direct. As you have told me that X factor that everyone wants but no one quite knows what it is sir you have it your self. I am honored to work with you and am ready to learn some of that modern warfare you keep talking about lol. you might regret saying that just so you know ask Gambit he has suffered a sudden headshot or 2 while trying to teach me COD. But this is also an insight to who you are and it is wonderful to see and experience.
    1 point
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