Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VENUM 7 (CAO) Link to forums account - @The ChadMinReasoning why they deserve this - Venum deserves this award so much! Not only does this man help in Clan Ops, he helps so much in Web Ops. He is always there for us in web ops and answers any questions we have. He's always willing to share his knowledge with everyone and help them grow however they can. Venum is an amazing mentor and has helped me grow so much in Web Ops.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Chant 7 (COFO - ES)
Link to forums account - @KSI Chant 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Chant deserves the award because even though we have butted heads A LOT, he does so much for ES. He's always around if you need him even if he's working. He will answer any question you have even if it might be a stupid one. Overall, Chant is a good cofo and mentor.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xJoker 7 (GEN - ES/Kraken)
Link to forums account - @KSI xJoker 7
Reasoning why the deserve this - Joker deserves this award because he goes over and beyond for his Squad. He works so much in real life, but is always available for his Squad and members. Whenever one of his members or officers needs, he's only a phone call away for them. He tries so much to balance real life and KSI life, even if it's rough at times. He truly deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harley 7 (CPT - ES/Kraken)
Link to forums account - @KSI HARLEY 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Oh there is so much I can say about this wonderful lady! She does so much for Kraken and ES. She hosts workshops all the time, wayyy more than she should lol. She is constantly there and available for her members. When I first transferred over to Kraken, I was nervous, however Harley made me feel so welcomed. She will always try to pull me into a party just to check on me and see how I'm doing. Or she just wants to hang out cause she misses me. Whatever the case is, Harley is always there! She does so much and thoroughly deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BlackJesus (LT- ES/Kraken)
Link to forums account - @Black Jesus
Reasoning why they deserve this - oh Jesus, what can I say about this kid? He was another one of the officers that made me feel welcomed when I came to Kraken. He's always around members and having a great time. He's one of the officers you can just joke around with, and he will always make you laugh.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Boootz 7 (Forums Mod - Web Ops)
Link to forums account - @Boootz
Reasoning why they deserve this - Boootz deserves this award for so many reasons! Any time I have a question pertaining to Web Ops, she's there. Anytime I need help with something, she's there. Whenever I need a friend just to talk to, she's there. Boootz does so much and has helped me grow so much as a Senior Join Mod. I'm very thankful to call her a friend and a mentor!