Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ATH3NA 7 Co-Fo WD VANQUISH
Link to forums account - @KSI ATH3NA 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe KSI ATH3NA 7 deserves this award because she has been nothing but positively encouraging me while I was trying to learn everything possible.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NoBe LT WD VANQUISH
Link to forums account - @KSI NoBe
Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe they have earned this award because KSI NoBe has gone above and beyond with training me to become a better SGT and SSGT. I've only known him for a short time, but he has positively impacted me in the KSI community and outside of it. He seems to be very ambitious with helping individuals in KSI, and I'm grateful for it.