Category: Div Lead
Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7
Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Uppish 7
Reasons they deserve this award: Uppish has been an amazing leader this year, he made some tough choices that were ultimately best for the division and its growth and survival. Having been the only Co-Fo we had for a long time with no Div Lead or Director before his promotion to Div Lead, he was in constant communication with his generals and ensuring things were being done right and strategically planning for the incredible growth CS has had this year. Growth isn't even the right word, DEPTH is. He created depth in his squads in fostering an environment for learning and teaching potential officers in all of the squads in his division. This man has earned his spot and continues to show it day in and day out.
Category: Co-Founder
Gamertag: KSI Grogu 7
Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Grogu 7
Reasons they deserve this award: Grogu, will be called Shatner or Poopner for the duration of this post, has done some of the best damn work CS has seen apart from Uppish. Poopner will always be one of my favorite mentors and teachers. Even before I stepped down from General, he was constantly ensuring he was getting the best possible result out of me and my officers. He's not just all business as he is active in the division by way of attending gamenights and encouraging others to participate in community events whenever possible! He is the clear guy to step up to Div Lead when Uppish gets promoted to Director. Shatner has proven that he is ready for the next step and way outworks his peers at his current level community wide!
Category: Captain
Gamertag: KSI Sleepy
Forums Account Link / @: @Sleepy
Reasons they deserve this award: Where is my squad without him? No where. He has been THE guy to take over the General spot should something had happened to me. Why isn't he there yet? No one deserves to run a squad more than this dude. This dude is a monster at recruiting, a motivating teacher, a motivating leader, charismatic, and works the hardest in the community at his job*. Flat out, he puts everyone else to shame with his attention to detail and "get it done" attitude. If he and I came up the ranks at the same time, he would have been General when Doom split from Calamity, no questions asked (and I wouldn't have been upset in the slightest about it.) I feel that his hard work and dedication to duty within KSI has been absolutely amazing and worth more than what little I can give. I wish I had the opportunity to teach him more than I was able to. I'm very glad that I am still able to mentor him through any issue he needs guidance on now that I am retired. I am glad that I selected him to be my right hand out the gate when we split. My faith was well placed and has since been well earned. This man is my brother and I have nothing but the highest respect for him. It won't be too long before he has a 7 in his title due to the hard work, dedication, faith, and consistency that he demonstrates every day to this community. It is with much love and respect I give this nomination to him.