@KSI Slick 7 - Director CS/SL
Slick has been awesome this month helping the CS 7s Staff and officer cores grow as a whole. We've been able to keep making continuous improvements across the Division and Slick played no small part in that process. We don't say it often enough but I appreciate you fam
@KSI Grogu 7 CS Co-Founder
Shatner (aka Grogu the GrogMan) is seriously the only reason I can stay a relatively sane individual in KSI. My right & left hand CS, this guy does it all. We're almost always in lockstep and thinking the same thing without even trying to. He's a fantastic CoFo and a phenomenal leader. I always tell the people around me to keep an "If I get hit by a bus.." plan. Thankfully, as long as Shatner is around that plan is safe and secure. Cheers bud, don't go anywhere.. please
@KSI MercX - Wrath CS General
Merc runs a tight ship and by god it's a really friggin' good one. He's got a squad that I'd bet on against any other is KSI. 2 phenomenal CPT's, 2 spectacular LT's, 3 SSGTs that have been crushing it and a backpack FULL of good looking POs. Merc has been building a high octane officer core for months and they have balled out this month. 15 RECRUITS IN 8 DAYS!! Wrath has been on a tear and Merc has piloted this ship like master. Kudos Merc! Keep it up!
@KSI Kat - Rebellion CS Captain
When Jak went on LoA bc of Hurricane Ida, Kat seamlessly stepped into the role of Acting General. Under her tutelage, Rebellion made steady progress with POs, activity, growth, and creating better habits. It was a lot to ask of her and Kat answered the call without hesitation. Kat's exceptional leadership and problem solving abilities are a big part of the reason Rebellion is doing well right now. Keep up the good work Kat! Hard work always pays off.
@KSI-Groudon - Wrath CS LT
Groudon has been KILLING IT this month with training officers & POs. He has shown some serious game with his training skills, Groudon has put in a lot of work with all 3 of the newest SSGTs in Wrath and it shows. Their enthusiasm, intuition, & work ethic is no joke. That all starts with the attitude of the people who train them to be officers, which is where Groudon shines. Take a bow and a lap my friend. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed.
@KSI Pastries 7 - Rebellion CS, (4th) SGT
Well SGT Donut, someone should give you some credit. Cuz a party with Pastries in it rarely has a dull moment. He's always bringing the fun and jokes no matter which of CS's 3 squads he's with, or even with members outside of CS. Pastries has been a great resource to introduce newer members to multiple squads and broaden their KSI horizons. He's always down for a good time and to play some games. Pastries was also a huge help with Turkey Bowl and generating votes for CS to take a the #1 spot in the Forums Poll. KSI's oldest member still has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Dept Member
KSI @Bane 7 - AAP
Bane has been a big help with AAP this month and making sure that everything gets done. He's always following up and a triple checking that everything was completed on time or ahead of schedule. What a legend.