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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2021 in all areas

  1. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gambit 7 ES Co Founder Link to forums account - @KSI Gambit 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - Gambit came into ES, and made big changes, right now at the moment he’s making changes on the divisional level after his recent promotion, but for a majority of the month Gambit has run one of the most active squads in KSI at the moment. At the rank of Gen, Gambit was a recruiting monster, or as he said in his 2014 post as KSI Tension 7, this man is the Recruiting Legend. Each week under Gambits leadership, Hydra had at least 5 new recruits added to the squad, but not to any ordinary squad, but the Hydra Family. Tension is one of the best Generals I’ve seen recently, although he’s not new, he still shows that the old KSI heads still got it. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIMommabear Hydra ES Gen Link to forums account - @KSIMommaBear Reasoning why they deserve this - Oh boy, mommabear is literally a momma to all of Hydra, and she really excelled as a CPT, and it's been proven by becoming Gambits Successor as General. A lot of the times it's hard to believe someone who joined the community about 4 months ago can already have a huge impact, but that's just mommabear, she’s truly amazing. She is the main reason Hydra has become such an active squad. She created Operation Reachout for Hydra, something that hasn’t been used a lot in other squads I’ve been in and it works wonders, and it has made Hydra super active. Officers reach out to a group of members and each week it rotates, and from doing this, Hydra has become a huge Family. People enjoy mommabear, her name is known all around the squad and division, due to her overall positive attitude, and drive to make sure everyone is having a great time in KSI. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jewels Hydra ES LT Link to forums account - @KSI Jewels Reasoning why they deserve this - Jewels has been very important to the current organized family Hydra is. She transferred in, and that OCD started kicking in I guess. The more organized Hydra has become, the better it's been entirely. Jewels came in here like super nanny and turned this house around. Jewels has been doing a phenomenal job, She has hosted many workshops already and has helped newer members learn more about KSI. She was amazing at SSGT, and now it shows through her being a successful officer. She even continues to better herself by going to others when not sure about stuff. Good stuff, even though she bullies me in Golf with friends game nights. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grogu 7 AAP Department Member Link to forums account - @KSI Grogu 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Grogu was one of AAPs newest hires last month, and he has been great. A lot of the time he is the first to ask questions and share their opinions and that is what is needed from AAP members. When he discussed DHoFs this guy was great at sharing his points as to why one would deserve it through their nominations. Grogu is on top of the AAP section and hasn’t really missed any nominations yet in the time he’s been in. I hope to see great things from him in AAP, and I know I will see only good things. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BIKRMOMA Link to forums account - @KSI BIKRMOMA Reasoning why they deserve this - I don’t even know where to start with Bikrmoma. She is an extremely active member, and even though she’d always deny it, we all know she is ready to move on up the ranks. Bikrmoma is so fun to have in parties, and not only for hosting cod lobbies, but just the overall great qualities she has. Bikrmoma is super active, joining almost every party, and trying to meet a majority of the squad and just play games, which all members should do. This is why I believe she is the member of the month.
    2 points
  2. On Saturday November 6th, Tournaments & Events will be hosting a 1v1 Mortal Kombat 11 tournament. The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 7/KSI AtomXGen, KSI Shadow007) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. An event bracket may be adjusted up to 15 minutes prior to the match/event start time at the discretion of the Head or Co-Head. All KSI Events must be played with a controller and not keyboard and mouse. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Gamertag: Division:
    1 point
  3. Division Leader KSI UPPISH 7 (All of CS) This guy is everywhere doing everything! He works, he goes to college, and he is or was on News Team… oh and not to mention he’s my Div Leader! I’ve been around for awhile and have had a lot of Div Leaders and I’ve got to say he’s easily in the top 5. He does all of his normal Div Leader stuff you alls don’t want to hear about but I’m nominating him because he is a Div leader for the people! He’ll play with any one from his officers staff down to new recruits. He brings positive energy and knowledge to every party he’s in. He’s present at game nights and engages in the conversations instead of just being in there with his mic muted. Everyone I talk to, whenever we aren’t joking around, has positive things to say. So yes I Nominate Sir Uppyton of Chaos Syndicate Captain KSI Sleepy (Captain - CS/Calamity) @Sleepy To start, this guys party always has people in it. Is it a game night? No it’s just Sleepy’s party. This guy is always inviting people to hang out in his parties. He’s a fresh reminder that, yes we are a community. He doesn’t care what rank you are he still wants to hang out. I’ve got to say with this mindset his game nights are usually full. He recruits a lot too which recruiting is part of being a Captain but he takes it to the next level. He’s leading the CS recruiting contest and seems like he always is. SSGT KSISparkyFly (SSGT - SL/Templar) @KSISparky Fly Sparky deserves this because as a newer officer he shows drive and he is a people person. He knows when it’s ok to joke around and when it’s not. He’s a competitive gamer but still will always play with people regardless of there skill. He is really good about keeping the game nights moving forward and now keeping a lobby full of people waiting around for the next game. He also includes everyone not just in his squad or in his division but everyone in KSI. I really like seeing that in new officers and he had that. I’ve been to a few of his game nights and they are always fun and have good turn out. Since I’m not in his squad I don’t get to see all the up close SSGT stuff he does but from what I do see I think he deserves this award.
    1 point
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