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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2021 in all areas

  1. Division Leader KSI Uppish 7 Division Leader/CS @KSI Uppish 7 KSI Uppish has really branched out this month and it has shown in my eyes. Not to long ago I knew who he was and I heard a lot about him but my actual interactions with him were very slim. This month he has really branched out in joining gamenights and making sure all members are comfortable and all Officers are confident. He has made a very noticeable change and it has been making our Division run very smoothly and has kept a consistency within our work. KSI MercX General CS/WRATH @KSI MercX KSI MercX has been the General of WRATH for a moment now and he has been the acting general since before I joined KSI and all I have to say is the man dosnt sleep. He has made contact with every member he has made sure that every officer knows the criteria and he has spent countless hours throwing any and all information he can to said officers to prepare them for any instance/situation that may arise. The man is a machine who never stops working and it really shows within the consistency and performance of the Squad. KSI T StackG Captain- CS/WRATH @KSI T StackG Reasoning why they deserve this - From contacting hard to reach members to helping the General on almost a daily basis to being super responsive on discord and Xbox to creating a potential Fluff list to training one of our Lieutenants to party hopping to contacting members and integrate them more within the community. The guy continues each and every single day to prove more and more why his name is known and he continues to shine like crazy. Our numbers were down in the Squad 1 week ago. We look at the state chat and he brought in 4 members. Promotion list backed up T Stack is online for 1 day and all of a sudden 3 promotions are done along with a Gamertag change. Officer has a question he has the answer problem in the community he solves it and then some. The man is just a miracle worker! KSI Walrus (SSGT - CS/WRATH) - @KSI_Walrus Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Walrus was introduced a potential officer on a Monday. The day prior on Sunday we had our officers meeting and we hadn't really even mentioned him. The following Wednesday he had all of his requirements done. That being all 3 workshops ,3 recruits, his potential officer test, Mock Promotion and Mock Recruitment. He was a absolutely driven animal like I hadn't seen before. Like I said the man was never even mentioned as a PO in the meetings he went from nobody to officer over the course of 3 days and since then he hasn't fallen off one bit. Broken controller no worries he is on discord every morning and every evening. Promotions need to be done he's on it. He is a gem that shown nothing but excellence since the moment he took the step to becoming an officer and I have no doubts he will continue to show his stuff as time continues.
    2 points
  2. Director @KSI Slick 7 - Director CS/SL Slick has been awesome this month helping the CS 7s Staff and officer cores grow as a whole. We've been able to keep making continuous improvements across the Division and Slick played no small part in that process. We don't say it often enough but I appreciate you fam Co-Founder @KSI Grogu 7 CS Co-Founder Shatner (aka Grogu the GrogMan) is seriously the only reason I can stay a relatively sane individual in KSI. My right & left hand CS, this guy does it all. We're almost always in lockstep and thinking the same thing without even trying to. He's a fantastic CoFo and a phenomenal leader. I always tell the people around me to keep an "If I get hit by a bus.." plan. Thankfully, as long as Shatner is around that plan is safe and secure. Cheers bud, don't go anywhere.. please General @KSI MercX - Wrath CS General Merc runs a tight ship and by god it's a really friggin' good one. He's got a squad that I'd bet on against any other is KSI. 2 phenomenal CPT's, 2 spectacular LT's, 3 SSGTs that have been crushing it and a backpack FULL of good looking POs. Merc has been building a high octane officer core for months and they have balled out this month. 15 RECRUITS IN 8 DAYS!! Wrath has been on a tear and Merc has piloted this ship like master. Kudos Merc! Keep it up! Captain @KSI Kat - Rebellion CS Captain When Jak went on LoA bc of Hurricane Ida, Kat seamlessly stepped into the role of Acting General. Under her tutelage, Rebellion made steady progress with POs, activity, growth, and creating better habits. It was a lot to ask of her and Kat answered the call without hesitation. Kat's exceptional leadership and problem solving abilities are a big part of the reason Rebellion is doing well right now. Keep up the good work Kat! Hard work always pays off. LT @KSI-Groudon - Wrath CS LT Groudon has been KILLING IT this month with training officers & POs. He has shown some serious game with his training skills, Groudon has put in a lot of work with all 3 of the newest SSGTs in Wrath and it shows. Their enthusiasm, intuition, & work ethic is no joke. That all starts with the attitude of the people who train them to be officers, which is where Groudon shines. Take a bow and a lap my friend. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Member @KSI Pastries 7 - Rebellion CS, (4th) SGT Well SGT Donut, someone should give you some credit. Cuz a party with Pastries in it rarely has a dull moment. He's always bringing the fun and jokes no matter which of CS's 3 squads he's with, or even with members outside of CS. Pastries has been a great resource to introduce newer members to multiple squads and broaden their KSI horizons. He's always down for a good time and to play some games. Pastries was also a huge help with Turkey Bowl and generating votes for CS to take a the #1 spot in the Forums Poll. KSI's oldest member still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Dept Member KSI @Bane 7 - AAP Bane has been a big help with AAP this month and making sure that everything gets done. He's always following up and a triple checking that everything was completed on time or ahead of schedule. What a legend.
    2 points
  3. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7 (DL CS) Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Uppish is always going above and beyond when it comes to CS as a whole. He is still managing to be active at the squad level to the point that I even question myself is he really the head of a booming division. No matter what is going on he still makes the time to respond and reach out to the people that are needing to talk with him or simply hang out. Keep up the good work! Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grogu 7 (CO-FO CS) Link to forums account - @KSI Grogu 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Without a doubt there is no question to why Grogu doesn't deserve the CO-FO OTM. He is always trying to help in any way that he can. He always brings amazing things up in the Gens meeting that ultimately end up being implemented. This guy is a machine that is always on top of everything. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI T StackG (CPT - Wrath/CS) Link to forums account - @KSI T StackG Reasoning why they deserve this - I have no idea where to really start when talking about Stack! He does so much without even being asked. He is my right hand man when it comes to running WRATH. It doesn't matter what time of day or night it is, he is constantly working to better wrath. It simply comes down to he is a beast. I see amazing potential still to come. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Groudon (LT- Wrath/ CS) Link to forums account - @KSI-Groudon Reasoning why they deserve this - WOW! You have taken your promotion and ran with it! Groudon is simply shining like I haven't seen before. This month alone you have worked with 3 POs while mentoring 5 total! You are doing an amazing job and I can see you going further and further! SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Walrus (WRATH/CS) Link to forums account - @KSI_Walrus Reasoning why they deserve this - Since Walrus has become an officer this month he has a sense of eagerness that is looked for when it comes to a successful officer. No matter what the situation is he is constantly wanting to learn everything he can. There is no doubt in my mind that he will continue to grow as an officer and an individual here in KSI. Keep up the good work brother!
    2 points
  4. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7 Div Lead CS Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7 Reasoning why they deserve this- Man is great leader. Pushes for members and officers to better themselves. Reliable, always has answer or at the very least is there to guide. He does a great job leading CS Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grogu 7 Cofo CS Link to forums account - @KSI Grogu 7 Reasoning why they deserve this- Man is reliable, can always go to him for advice. He sets a great exmple as a cofounder and how to be a well established officer. Definitely is a big piece of CS running the way it does. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kat Captain Rebellion Link to forums account - @KSI Kat Reasoning why they deserve this- She has done an amazing job in the abesence of her Gen. Seeing how she is at gen's meetings i can tell she is gonna be a great job. Reliable as co officer, always fun to be around SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nezuko LT Calamity Link to forums account - @KSI Nezuko Reasoning why they deserve this- Man is always interacting with members. Joins different gamenights and getting around CS. He is always fun to be in parties with. Definitely sets a good example for younger members in KSI SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Walrus Link to forums account - @KSI_Walrus Reasoning why they deserve this- Dude has been going hard in the paint since he joined the community. Man is always looking to help members. Alway welcomes new member and posts morning messages on discord. He is always fun to be in parties with.
    2 points
  5. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Uppish 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - while he is head of the Division he makes it known if we need help he is there and even has time for us. He runs the whole CS Division smoothly. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grogu 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Grogu 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Grogu is a great Co-Founder he always makes sure everything is good to go and if we make a mistake he is always able to catch it and he does a great job making sure we feel welcome. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mercx Link to forums account - @KSI MercX Reasoning why the deserve this - Merc is the best of the best he keeps us all in line and he makes sure that anything we do he could do. He is always making sure to communicate with us and is always making sure that we have all the training and help we could need. He is there at gamenights and always in touch with us and is able to help us. He makes sure we are the best in KSI! Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI T StackG Link to forums account - @KSI T StackG Reasoning why they deserve this - He has gone above and beyond in advice in KSI and out he is always there when someone needs help. He is great at getting in parties and making everyone feel wanted and glad to be here. He is a very good leader and teacher and makes sure everything gets across when we need it. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -@KSI Groudon Link to forums account - @KSI-Groudon Reasoning why they deserve this- He is a great teacher and a great mentor to all those around him always giving advice or helping us out. He plays with all members and especially is able to help when it's needed. He has worked great with POs and gotten them to his well of knowledge which is amazing. He has a answer for questions that you don't know you want to ask.
    1 point
  6. Award: Squad Builder Reasoning: Since splitting the Squad 9/10/21 Hydra has grown from 46 members post split to 76 members as of the current reflected by Omega and the Squad Club. Witnesses: @KSI xKing 77 @KSI Barb 7 Gamertags to be awarded: KSI Gambit 7 - @KSI Gambit 7 KSIMommaBear - @KSIMommaBear KSI Bane 7 - @Bane 7 KSI Kakuzu - @KSI Kakuzu666
    1 point
  7. People Repellant: Yes
    1 point
  8. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DC 77, Chief Knowledge Officer Link to forums account - @KSI DC 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - This man is everywhere! From Clan Ops, AAP, Education, LC, his board position...I'm still in awe of how he does it all, but he does. He continues to show just how much he cares about this community each and every day, and we're all better for it as a result. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Slick 7, Director CS Link to forums account - @KSI Slick 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - So Ol' Slick is no longer the FNG, as he's been around us for a bit now. The man is a workhorse, I can tell ya that much. 60+ hours a week AND he still has time for KSI. I mean, he'll jump in a 7s and Gens meeting while he's driving home from a long day, and still have enthusiasm for the topics at hand, and it's honestly contagious. I really appreciate how he levels with us and helps us work through situations as they arise, and I look forward to continuing to work together throughout our KSI careers. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I lost a bet, so here we are. Kidding! Uppish is an absolute pleasure to work with. Yes, I said Uppish lol. He's not only a great friend, but an amazing superior/co-worker. When it's time to handle business, it gets handled, and when it's time to goof off, there's plenty of good times to be had. He continues to shine as a Div Lead, role model, mentor and confidant to everyone in CS. This past month is no exception. Coming off of any annual event can be a bit slow, but with Uppish at the helm, everything made it back up to speed in no time. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fenny 77 Link to forums account - @Fennyishere Reasoning why they deserve this - Fenny is really great at being the comedic relief that everyone needs, but I feel she sells herself short sometimes. Her IRL responsibilities are pretty gnarly between college and everything else, but she still shows up ready to work and handle business. She cares about this community, this division, and leaves a lasting impression on anyone that has the pleasure to interact with her. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MercX Link to forums account - @KSI MercX Reasoning why they deserve this - Merc is the man, hands down. I wish all officers in KSI could sit in on one of his officer meetings, and listen to how efficient, detailed, and structured that it's ran. There's a reason Wrath is as amazing as it is, and this man is it. He's at the helm, leading from the front, taking charge and building up those around him. It brings me great pleasure to know that one day I'll be out of a job, because he's so gosh dang awesome at his. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI KingdomX Link to forums account - @KSI KingdomX Reasoning why they deserve this - It's been a real treat watching this guy climb up the ranks. You'd never know that he was shy when he first came into KSI lol. Now look at ya! He's a powerhouse in his own right, and becomes better and better every day. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Infid3l Link to forums account - @KSI Infid3l Reasoning why they deserve this - Infid3l really came back strong this month, and it's great to see. Between recruits, training, mentoring...he's an absolute beast! He's really proving that he's capable of being a great CPT and even more. Keep it up! SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Walrus Link to forums account - @KSI Walrus Reasoning why they deserve this - Walrus has really been thriving as a new officer, and shines through a perfect example of what you're looking for when moving up a SGT into the officer ranks. He does his job and then some, and I'm looking forward to how far he'll climb throughout his career within KSI.
    1 point
  9. Division LeaderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7Reasoning why they deserve this - There’s a few reasons why Uppish deserves the award but to give a few recent ones we go to the Fall Classic event, Uppish was constantly pushing out our forums challenge and hyping up the events every chance he could. Uppish plays a big part into why people in CS are as active as they are, wether it’s party hopping between every squad, showing up to officer and squad meetings and even hosting a gamenights every now and a again. When you think of CS he’s one of the first people that comes to mind, he’s joyful while being a doody head at the same time. He’s there when you need him and is always on top of his game. And he does all this while working 10-12 hour shifts on the regular, “breaks are for sissy’s” is the mans motto. His work ethic shines in CS and there isn’t a reason he doesn’t deserve this. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grogu 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Grogu 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Mr.Groggyboy is a literal GOAT. He has helped guided me through many tough times wether it was keeping my head on straight while dealing with a struggling squad or even just day to day struggles of being an officer. He has played a major role in bringing calamity out of a rough patch. He has kept our officercore motivated and is extremely active in our day to day activities wether it’s joining random parties or helping organize officer goals for the week. He helps keep us in check when we need it while also building us up every chance he gets. Grogu is in it for the pure growth and betterment of this community. He is one of the most understanding people in KSI I’ve met. The man knows what he’s doing and his opinion on any matter is extremely valued by myself and many others. If he says he’s got you, he’s got you. He’s never one to disappoint is without a doubt in the top tier amongst the KSI divisional 7s staff, Grogu makes everything his own and is extremely meticulous and wise while completing tasks or making decisions. He leaves his mark wherever he goes. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Pastries 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Pastries 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - To Start, this is the best 4th SGT you’ll ever meet. Mans has taken over for me in the middle of a promotion when I had a phone call and walked him through how to create his forums, He’s came in and been a cohost for my halo Gamenights multiple times, came through and met new recruits, the list goes on honestly. Pastries was one of the leading members out getting votes for CS in the Fall Classic Polls challenge, talking with the teams before they went into the events and just keeping an all around positive vibe in the division. He shows his face around the division and is down to pass on the wealth of knowledge within him to anyone who may ask. He’s one of the most humble “old timers” I’ve ever met. Usually older upper leadership walks around with a chip on their shoulder, never once have I got that impression from pastries. He is and continues to be one of the most positive and just all around fun members in CS.
    1 point
  10. General - KSI Gambit 7 (Hydra ES) @KSI Gambit 7 Ive known gambit for several years now. Everytime were together in a squad or division he actively goes out of his way to make sure that not only me but countless others are having fun and doing alright. Hes always extremely helpful and teaching us something new. Hes not only a fantastic leader but a fantastic mentor aswell. Captain - KSIMommabear (Hydra ES) @KSIMommaBear Ever since my transfer to ES shes always kept me active and involved in the squad affairs. Shes very hard working and constantly working to become a better leader, you see this every day when youre around her. LT - KSI Jewels (Hydra ES) @KSI Jewels Jewels is honestly jack of all trades kinda person ive personally watched her struggle at one thing and then work tirelessly to perfect it. She pushes people around her to be better and to grow not only as people but as officers, i had the chance to watch this happen not only is SL but here in ES. Ive honestly stuggled to figure who i should put my vote in for, being jewels or bane and its a difficult choice since both are fantastic leaders. SSGT - KSI Kakuzu (Hydra ES) @KSI Kakuzu666 This man is the definition of having a full schedule. Hes balancing School, sports and officer work. Hes an inspiration to us all due to his sheer drive. He works insanely hard to learn all that he can from great leaders like gambit and king and the way down to former 7s like soap and i. SGT - KSI Evanbop (Hydra ES) @KSI Evanbop I dont know evan aswell as i know the others but i recognize his drive to become an officer and grow the community. Hes constantly asking our officers questions and striving to be better. Hes always active with everyone.
    1 point
  11. Co founder @KSI xKing 77 Has been helping with my training and always available when I have questions. King has become part of whom I consider to be family. I know if I ever needed a pick me up or help all I have to do is ask. If King hadn't taken interest when I joined I would probably be a sgt still lost in KSI trying to figure this place out. Because of him I want to continue striving forward and help make KSI the place to be and help KSI continue to grow and prosper. General @KSI Gambit 7 Extremely kind and understanding has continued to encourage me to progress and training for next steps in KSI Career. He is a total goofball who doesn't mind being roasted so long as it keeps our members entertained and active. He helps me understand how the position works in KSI and how to navigate through some of the pitfalls that occur. He makes me think and is constantly challenging me to be better and do better at everything. He looks at my daughter as a sister and tries to truly be there as family. I know I say this alot but Hydra has become an extension of my family because of its officer and members. Gambit is key to this division continue success. LT @Bane 7 Lt has been a wealth of knowledge from past experiences in KSI. He always makes himself available when I have questions. He has also been encouraging our members to get involved. His antics on discord keeps gambit on his toes and everyone laughing. He is the heart of what makes Hydra fun and happy. @KSI Kakuzu666 Ssgt KSI Kakazu trying to balance school sports and KSI has been extremely helpful with getting our younger members active and involved. He has brought some of our members whom we thought would just fade away to the forefront and got them wanting to help and become Officers. He makes me laugh and I am so proud of him. He is like one of my kids I wish I could be there at one of his football games and scream as I cheer him on. @BXCw3tb0xsgt TBOX for becoming active and interested in being an officer and stepping up. He has gone from almost being considered fluff to being one of our active members in the evening. He participated in fall classic and did very well I couldn't be prouder of this young man.
    1 point
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