Welcome to the 2021 Costume Party!
This is our second attempt at a special community event during the month of October. Members will have an opportunity to share their Halloween costumes, cosplays, etc (CoC Applies, a G String is not a costume, sorry @KSI xKing 77). Costumes of member's Pets and/or Family will also be allowed should you prefer. Any and all who participate will receive the Costume Party 2021 Forums Award, and we may have additional prizes depending on participation. Members will be able to submit from 10/8 until 10/29.
Member Submissions will be sent to myself on Discord. My Discord contact info is: Airborne 7 #8959
Please send me everything in the following format, and then also post on this topic saying that you sent me a submission, so I can keep track of who gets the forum award as well. PLEASE FILL OUT THE ENTIRE FORM
Member's Gamertag:
Division/Squad/Departments You Represent:
Description of Costume (Whether it's from a movie, show, book, or whether it's something completely original. Tell us what your costume is so that we aren't guessing incorrectly):
(Yes/No)Whether or not You want any submitted pictures possibly shared for KSI Social Media: