Since joining the community momma has been more then just an asset to the team, she's been a mother figure to all of Hydra and she's played a huge role in our success in ES. When Momma joined KSI it was her first time in a community and she had to learn everything from scratch, not ever really playing the main stream games like cod etc but she dived in head first, buying games for members to be able to get people together and pulling people into parties to try to get member retention up. Momma will be the first to admit that she isn't to great the recruiting but everything else she does to contribute balances all that out, I've personally never seen a squad really come together so quickly until momma started doing what she does best. Best thing about momma is when you need someone she's always there, not just in the sense of "is there officer online to recruit for me" but more in the sense of "i need a shoulder to cry on", she's always willing to sit in any party and hear out any member and try to help the members feel better in any way she possibly can. Momma is a well respected member and officer in ES and I'm honestly proud of how far she came in such a short time, she gives it her all everyday while still trying to be an amazing mother and wife at home. No matter what there's no way I could ever be more appreciative of what she's done for not only Hydra but ES as a whole. If there's anyone who deserves this award, it's most definitely KSIMommaBear, When you read this just know we're all proud of you!