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  1. I can also attest to this, Airborne took over the reigns of AAP when it was in a downwards spiral. at the time there was no active Dept heads for AAP which had a knock on effect of people leaving the department due to how disorganised it had become. Not only did Airborne rebuild the AAP but he took it to new heights and I think his work speaks for itself as after this role Airborne came up to the board and if that doesn speach volumes idk what to tell ya,
    1 point
  2. I can attest to Airborne’s impact over the AAP. I joined the AAP just a little while after he took over. Since day 1 of me joining the AAP, he was very adamant that everyone was accounted for and trained properly. He single-handedly trained each individual person that came into the department. At that time, Airborne was looking for one thing and that was stabilizing the department to have it run effectively and efficiently. Over the course of his reign as Department Head, he did just that. He implemented many new ideas and was not scared to voice his own opinion when it came to the department and his staff. Whether it was a simple nomination or us meeting for the Of The Years, he was always there to help guide the department in the right direction and got it running as smooth as possible. After doing all of that, he ever so graciously handed me the keys to the AAP and took his adventure to the BoD and I’m forever grateful for that. When looking at members who made an impact on the AAP since it’s inception, Airborne ranks amongst the highest on the list. He is truly deserving of this.
    1 point
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