While I can't speak on King's Clan Ops history, I have first hand seen the great leader he is and the strife he has gone through on the administrative side of things.
There are two major instances of strife that come to my head when I think of King. The first instance would be during the peace talks between KSI and Hydra. While I won't go into details of what was said, I will say that King and the entire Board of Director Staff at the time was constantly attacked and lied on while these talks were going on. Since he was one of the main ones pushing for a better community experience, he was also one of the main ones constantly being attacked and degraded both in public and in private settings. I have been in this community for almost 9 years, and I will be the first to say that I have never seen anything this bad or anyone attacked this hard by fellow leaders of this community, and I know for sure I would given up and walked away from it if I was one of the ones being attacked like this. No matter how bad it got though, King would come to work the next day still pushing for a better KSI, while also pushing for peace within our own community as well. He never let his frustrations out on anyone else, even those that opposed him.
The second instance of strife also comes around the same time period, but this time has to do with his promotion to CEO. When King was promoted to CEO, the community was completely divided and the Leadership Council was in shambles because of these peace talks. While there was questions about his promotion and even doubts if he would be the right man for the job, King looked passed those concerns and showed why he was the right man for the job. He shaped the Board of Directors into one of the most well rounded Board this community has ever seen, while also being one of the main guys that led this community to Peace with Hydra, as well as us working more closely with .com to better both communities.
In closing, I can not think of anyone better to earn this award. I wish I could have gone into more detail regarding the instances of strife that this man has faced, but some things just don't need to be said in a public forum. King has continues to be an excellent leader through all of these trials, and an amazing mentor to myself and many others in this community.