While I can't speak on King's past, I'll definitely testify based on my experience with him. King came into DM as acting Director after the disbanding of Cruelty and Havoc, Hellborn leaving to help form a new division, and leadership within the division being stretched pretty thin. One thing I can say about him is he was always fair, and viewed nearly any situation as a teachable moment. Towards the tail end of DM's existence, tempers were flaring amongst leadership, mainly due to trying to get two squads prepared for a split. When I took over as General for Wrath, I was the only officer. My co-founder and Div Lead were almost non-existent, as they were also acting gens of the aforementioned squads being prepared for a split. I had an 80 member squad as a staff of one, and had to hit the ground running trying to find potential officers. King was in my chats every day checking up on me, the squad, welcoming new members, and offering to help in any way that he could. Not only as an acting director, but also as the CEO. He wasn't obligated to do any of that, but he did. Fast forward a couple of week...I now have a foundation for an officer staff, with SSGTs trained up, one going to LT, handling all of the training and promotions, throwing in new recruits when possible, and holding the squad together the best I could. Somehow I found myself in trouble, and I'm called into a meeting for not asking permission to promote SSGTs and LTs. King came in, grabbed hold of the party, and handled it diplomatically. He pointed out the err of my ways, the err of their's, and made it clear that things needed to change. While he acknowledged that I had every right to be angry and irritated, and mostly did the right thing, he gave me solid advice on what I needed to do, and how I could get there. That moment really changed my perspective on senior leadership, because truth be told, I was really irritated with mine at the time. If it weren't for that meeting and our talk, Wrath may have collapsed with the rest of DM. While this may not serve as the best example of a witness statement for Die Hard, I believe it really speaks to the character of KSI xKing77, and how much he truly cares about this community. The man has my eternal respect and gratitude, and deserves nothing but the best.