KSI DC 7, KSI Fenny, KSI XATHENAx, KSI Boootz 7, KSI Tea 7
@KSI DC 7 @KSI Starset 7 @Fennyishere
@KSI xATHENAx @Boootz @KSI Tea 7
Bright Idea Award
I pitched the creation of the education/info teams and worked to get them built up in the community. As well as this there have been two new workshops created and quite a bit revamped since the creation of the teams. I have worked diligently in getting things organized in the education/info area; however, I have not worked alone. KSI Fenny and KSI Tea 7 have worked with me on every workshop I have created and revamped. KSI xATHENAx played a huge role in the recruiting workshop, and boootz helped me with all revamps and the rank structure workshop. It was boootz and tea's idea to add the department and web ops portion of the rank structure workshop. I can attest that all members listed were extrenely valuable in the crearion/revamps of the workshops and the foundation of the education and info teams created.