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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2021 in all areas

  1. Information on Nominee: Department: News Gamertag: KSI Tea 7 Link to Profile: @KSI Tea 7 Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: New co-head Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? yes Awards: News staff OTM Testimony: Tea has been a great help in the news area since i've been in this department. She was helping uppish since the very beginning and helped me when I first joined. I first started out with not much knowledge of the area at all, I was never intrested in news until I was told about it and gave it a shot. Now with her and the leader's help i've like the department more and more, i'm able to get my opnion out there and have met good people on the way. Tea has always brightened up the atmosphere. Now she can be serious when it comes down to it, but in all she helps make conversations enjoyable and it helps me put more effort into articles i'm writing. When I do make mistakes she does let me know, but i've never onced been talked down to by here and I think that's something not many people have the quality of doing. In all she has been an immense help to news and i'm look forward to working with her and putting out more articles for the site.
    1 point
  2. Department: AAP Gamertag: KSI DC 7 Link to Profile: @KSI DC 7 Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: AAP Staff Member Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes Awards: OS 1-3, Department Staff OTM Testimony: DC has been through it all here in the AAP. He joined the AAP in January of 2020 and was firing out the gate as soon as he got here. He was always asking questions, answering questions from other staff members, and actively brushing up on his knowledge in the department. He played a big role in helping brainstorm ideas for the department with me and always made a conscious effort to improve not only himself but those around him. He worked his way up the ranks here until he made it up to being my Co-Head. He helped me day in and day out run the operations of the department and worked with me to create and roll the Department sides of DHOF and DOTM’s. He was the constant motivator in the department, and still is. Even though he stepped away from Co-Head to focus on a more vital role in the Education scene, he is still actively around in the AAP and performing his duties to the highest extent. DC has definitely made in impact here in the AAP and I feel he should definitely be apart of the inaugural induction to the AAP Hall of Fame.
    1 point
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