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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Gamertag: KSI DC 7 forums: @KSI DC 7 award: OS3 evidence: Since I've joined KSI about 5 months ago DC has put his heart and soul into KSI. His dedicated hasn't been solely focused on himself or his division but KSI as a whole. This man, goes into other divisions helps train potential officers, officers and recruit new members. DC doesn't care if you're the lowest ranking member or the highest ranking member, he makes time and effort to hang out with you. DC has been in KSI for over a little of a year and half now. His Accomplishments, he was Co-Founder of SL then business transferred to WD to help in a time of need. He's also Head of Education, LC Ambassador, Senior Staff in News, and Former APP Co-Head. Awards awarded: SL Divisional Hall of Fame, Leadership Mentor, Department Staff of The Month, Co-Founder of The Month, 7's Spotlight, 2019 CPT OTY Runner Up, Master Recruiter, Pave The Way (helps other members all the time), Member Assistance ,Mentor, 3 Time Top Recruiter of The Month, and the last general of a squad to successfully to squad split and earn squad splitter.
    2 points
  2. I’ve known DCrunk for sometime now. And I can witness to his remarkable outstanding service he’s provided KSI with. Dc was a stand up general in SL in which even though I wasn’t in his squad I knew of him as a dude who would help anyone at any time. As he grew and became a cofounder he soon was placed over my squad Templar. He was super hands on which some didn’t take well but he truly only meant the best and had the best intent in helping and mentoring making sure every officer knew their duties inside and out and made sure everyone was proficient in there duties as well. Dc was always down to help in anyway possible. He soon left SL a few months later to help out another Div. since then DC has never stopped. He is now Head of education on top of many other responsibilities he has. I’ve had the pleasure and honor of working with this guy many many times in my tenure of KSI. The guys accomplished many milestones in KSI and is ALWAYS looking for ways to improve things from the ground up. He’s always pushing for a better and brighter tomorrow for the community as a whole as well. He deserves OS3 with out a doubt.
    2 points
  3. Gamertag : KSI DC 7 Forums : @KSI DC 7 Award : OS3 Dc is amazing he helped me at becoming an officer and actually cared and wanted to see me grow . Anytime I ever need him for something he's right there ready to discord call or party up. I've had a few co founders who weren't so easy to get hold of and willing to help. He's an amazing recruiter and showed me so much I still learn from him everyday. Despite what he's going through in real life he keeps time for KSI and is always focused on KSI growing and being an amazing community. His dedication is remarkable in my opinion it makes me wanna strive to be more. I really hope he gets this award because he truly deserves it. I also see him helping everybody in KSI other divisions and everything despite just who he watches over.
    2 points
  4. I can witness for KSI DC 7. When I was part of productions team (about 3/4ths of the way through 2020) I was streaming an event for KSI. Depression was hitting me real hard that week so I wasn’t myself during the stream. DC 7 ended up joining the stream and completely turned the stream around. He started talking about the match that was happening, kept asking my opinion and got me to talk even when I was in a low place!! It’s stuff like this that you never forget!! I agree with everyone else. KSI DC 7 deserves this award!!
    1 point
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