Category: Department Head
Gamertag: KSI Starset 7
Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Starset 7
Reasons they deserve this award: Starset has went absoSchuckinglutely above and beyond for this department, this man lives, breathes and Poops KSI. He has nurtured myself and every member of this department individually and made this department the powerhouse of KSI that it is today. I am a staff member of old and have been under a couple of leaders (shout out to Scotty!) But the activity level of Star is more than what the head should put in but never the less this guy throws himself at a role like an unsolicited drunk chic to a mumble rapper at an unlicensed house party. When he does eventually move away from this department and it is left in the hands of some poor soul with massive boots to fill I hope they can apply half of the dedication he has and continues to show.