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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2020 in Posts

  1. KSI's last competitive Annual Event of the year is almost here! Turkey Bowl 2019 is set and we have dates, times and events! Event Schedule ✧ Day 1 - Friday 11/27 Modern Warfare - 2v2 Gunfight (8pm Est) Black Ops Cold War- Free For All (8pm Est) ✧ Day 2 - Saturday 11/28 Uno-Xbox One Edition (5pm Est) PUBG - Solos (8pm Est) ✧ Day 3 - Sunday 11/29 GTA V - Races (5pm Est) Golf With Your Friends (8pm Est) Event Information Teams do NOT have to be Division-specific. Teams may be comprised of members from different divisions and regardless of rank in the community. Event sign-ups will be posted in the Turkey Bowl section on the forums. Keep your eyes peeled! If a team with members from different divisions wins 1st Place in an event, both divisions represented will receive 1st Place points toward Div Cup. Only individual prizes will be awarded during this annual event. Every 1st Place Winner in each event will receive a $10 MSP card. Event winners are responsible for messaging KSI Ace 7 (@KSI Ace 7) on the forums by December 31st, 2020 to claim their prizes. All teams must be comprised of KSI members who have been Omega registered at least two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of Turkey Bowl (registered as Private or higher prior to 11/13/20). Event registrations will close two (2) hours prior to the scheduled start of each event. Forums Challenge Poll As with every annual event, there will be a challenge poll posted to show support for your division! The poll will Open on Friday, November 27th at 8:00 PM Est. *Schedule and events are subject to change
    2 points
  2. As we awaited the Awards System to be updated, here’s your winners from September’s OTM Awards! Senior Leader - KSI TexAngel 77 @KSI TexAngel 77 Director - KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 Div Leader - KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7 Co-Founder - KSI Joe 7 @KSI Joe 7 General - KSI Yandere aka KSI Weaboo 7 @Ken Kaneki Captain - KSI Fenny @Fennyishere LT - KSI Gosuko @KSI Gosuko SSGT - KSI Squeek 7 @Squeek 7 SGT - KSI xATHENAx @KSI xATHENAx Department Member - Loyalty Paradox @Loyalty Paradox Forums Staff - KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot Member - Amaterasu#6896 @Amaterasu Big Congrats to everyone who won and was nominated! Thank you to those who put up nominations. Be on the lookout for the winners for October’s OTM Awards as well as the winner of KSI’s First Annual Halloween Costume Contest.
    1 point
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