KSI Fenny
I believe that KSI Fenny deserves OS LVL 1 for the amount of hard work she does for her squad/division. As her former co-founder I can attest that she is a powerhouse in recruiting, promoting, member retention, and training. She assists the general in making tough decisions and always brings her ideas to the table. I could argue that everyone in the squad knows her. She is the glue that helps keep Elysium together. She helped with transferring of her squad from DW to SL as an SSGT. She has led multiple security checks as a LT and CPT. It is easy to say that the squad would not be anything like it is today without her (it would look totally different). She is a great mentor, member, and (most important) friend to all willing to talk to her. She goes above and beyond in her work, even taking on others work to help reduce their stress levels. She is always willing to help others and is a fantastic listener to all in need. For these reasons I believe that Fenny deserves OS LVL 1.