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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2020 in all areas

  1. I can Side note: Skarzx built like a wine barrell
    1 point
  2. ITS FRIDAY a little motivation...
    1 point
  3. Gamer tag/ forums name KSI UNPC Xx / @UNPC Xx BW XxX KSI Hytab / @KSI Hytab KSI WetDog / @KSI WetDog KSI ForeignG / @ForeignGod5079 Award: Squad Leadership Certified Evidence: Attended a squad leadership workshop that I hosted on 5/7/20
    1 point
  4. KSI Blitz11

    Favorite Movie?

    my all time favorite movie has to be Black Hawk Down
    1 point
  5. KSI Zordon

    Favorite Movie?

    This is a difficult choice. So, I'm going to cop-out with a beautiful list. Shawshank Redemption Labyrinth Moulin Rouge Big Fish Running With Scissors (guess this isn't a list of five) Oh, brother where art thou Warriors Return of the Living Dead The Jerk Clueless (Yeah, that's right, this is most likely the best movie on this list. I may have just been too embarrassed to say it first.)
    1 point
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