Gamertag: KSI Joe 7
Link to forums: @KSI Joe 7
. Chances are if you have been anywhere around DM, or even just recently joined, then its likely you were recruited by Joe. Plus you quite likely know of his obsession with The Superstars of WWE....another topic for a different day.
He is a legendary recruiter with an even more legendary positive attitude. Normally officers focus on recruiting or member retention, but Joe does both with an unmatched ferocity. He makes the most out of his limited time to ensure members are taken care of and feel welcome within his family known as Venom. People flock to him in parties, so much so that they have to be split because they are full to the brim.
As a veteran of KSI leadership, he has gone up and down the ranks during his years as a part of this organization, but you wouldn't know it from talking to him. He treats each and every person he encounters with the same amount of respect, and has never been one to flaunt his prestige. "Rank is just responsibility" is a phrase often heard coming from leaders within KSI, but Joe is one that truly personifies it. He has risen again to the rank of General with Venom, and I for one am excited to see just how far he will go.
Gamertag: KSI LordVans97
Link to forums account: @KSI LordVans97
LordVans is one of those guys that you can put to task and know that he'll see it done. As his former General, I can attest to his superb work ethic, can do attitude, and steadfast devotion to excellence that most other would take for granted. He brings a much needed positive outlook to his squad and is always willing to bend over backwards to help out a member in need. He devotes many hours to listening to his people, and making sure they are getting the most out of their KSI experiences. He is the go-to guy when it comes to knowledge and the training of the new up and coming officers.
Alot of people would let irl situations degrade their overall ability to function as an officer, but this man takes everything thrown at him in stride. He is Cruelty's newest General, and although he has only held the role for a short time, I am confident that the squad is in the best of hands. I look forward to seeing just how far such a motivated leader will go.