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  1. Nyx has always been a hard worker from the day I met her. I’ve known nyx for a long time. During this time I’ve worked alongside her in so many different things. Nyx is one of the hardest working people I know and she has a heart of gold. She has something about her that draws members together and people just naturally want to be around her. I’ve even had the opportunity to be able to work alongside her as an officer and even underneath her as a gen. She is never afraid of a challenge and she’s one hell of a leader.
    1 point
  2. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TayTay77 (WD) Link to forums account - @KSI Taywick 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - This month has not been a a rough start for this man having some personal stuff come up. Then having a tooth infection so bad that they had to pull in out right on the spot, but that didn't stop him to giving his all to his duties. He is over one of the toughest squads here in WD. He get online and immediately getting invited to a party and having to deal with something. This goes on all day but he still finds time to get with the other squad he is over. This was like this for the beginning of the month day in and day out. After a couple days you would think you just would skip a day and not get on line nope not this guy. It made him push harder to get to the bottom of the problem and get it fixed.He has done amazing work this month. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKami 77 (Malice WD) Link to forums account - @KSI xKami 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - Kami has such dedication to this community he feels there is more that he can give to the community. We would have to have 36 hours in a day for him to do this. He puts 1000% into every area in this community. He gives every member in his squad attention on a daily. He works with every officer to make sure they are being trained correctly. If he finds they are lacking in a area he takes them to the side and helps them learn what it is they need the help with. He is always doing something it being a game not or finding recruits or takin the tie to get to know that new member that has joined his squad and the list can go on. That is some of what he does for his squad in too if that he is in web ops and in Sept ops. His time management is so high that he does all this for the community as still has time for his wife and children. His heart us so big that the needs of the community knows this so try are comfortable talking to him to get stuff off there chest and after being in that party has got re motivation to keep going and his more to the commnity. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Relic (Malice WD) Link to forums account - @KSI Relic Reasoning why they deserve this - This month Relic has really showed what he has. He continually is doing LFGs as well as getting the other officers involved in doing the recruiting. He works with the LTs on a daily. If the LT is not around he works with the SSGTs. He gets with members regularly, asking the GEN what else can be Do to help out. When meeting is coming he is ready to host the meeting. If a issue comes up he gets it handle them informs the GEN if the issue is out of his hands immediately he gets the Gen. If a member seems not ok he gets them in a party to help them have a better day.He is an amazing officer. Keep it up! LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ronin (Napalm WD) Link to forums account - @Ronin Reasoning why they deserve this - Ronin has been threw a lot this past month with the squad he was in. His mind set is when the tough times are here just keep trucking. With that being said Ronin continued to do his duties as a LT by working with the SSGTs hosting his game nights and recruiting, dealing with issues on a daily. Having so many issues he still kept the positive attitude and games with the members in the division always looking ahead to the brighter side. He host workshops for anyone in the division that needed or wanted them. Any question someone went to him with he would answer and if he didn't known the answer he got it quuckly. Keep up the amazing work! SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LynchSux (Napalm WD) Link to forums Account - @KatelynNicole98 Reasoning why they deserve this -Talk about a recruiting Pro here we have found one she gets those 5 recruits a week and then some. She is always on the lookout what can she do now to better the squad . She always get with the new members making them feel welcomed get them with the members that have been here for awhile and gaming with them or chit chatting in a party with them. Very eager to meet new members or to bring in new members. She is always wanting to learn. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xHawkx 7 Napalm WD) Link to forums account - @KSI xHAWKx 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This member came back to KSI and joined the squad that he knew at one time as home. As soon as he came back he was getting with the members to help the squad find potential officers that the squad was in need if. He would just talk with them and get to know there interest and see if they ever thought of being a officer answering any question that might come up. He did help and found a couple and started them learning all about a officer duties. As he got really comfortable in the squad he then was asked to leave what he knew as home to go to another squad that was in more need of his wisdom and knowledge to get that squad back in track. With his dedication to WD and KSI he agreed to doing this. He get over to the new squad and get right to work getting to know the members and finding potential officers and is gonna host a Member to SGT game night to get to know them better. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - GunXGundamX (COL Abaddon WD) Link to forums account - @GunXGundamX Reasoning why they deserve this - This member goes to every meeting and every game night that the squad has. He is always getting in party's and gaming With anyone who is looking for someone to game with. He gets in party's robust talk and get to know people.
    1 point
  3. Ronin

    April 2020 OTM Awards

    Director KSI Grifful 7 WICKED DESTRUCTION Director @KSI Grifful 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe Grifful deserves this because ever since he took over WD he has tried to ensure that everyone is up to date with KSI standards. Being previously in a squad that has been kind of stuck in a period of rebellion towards change Grifful has informed and pointed out change is not a bad thing and we need it to thrive as members in KSI. Division Leader KSI Tiger 77 DIVISION LEADER OF Wd @KSI Tiger 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Tiger or how others like to call her T I Double G er. Deserve this due to the fact that when there is ever an issue that occurs she is always there to try to resolve it. She completely dedicates her time into ensuring that everything is running the way it should be. She show her dedication to all of the squads she leads even when a squad is trying to cause havoc by not wanting maintain KSI Standards. Co-Founder KSI TayTay77 WD Napalm and Abaddon co-founder @KSI Taywick 77 I believe TayTay Deserves this due to his dedication on ensuring the squads he is in charge are functioning right. If it were not for TayTay I would have probably left KSI. But he and the previous 7s mentioned have kept me motivated and helped keep me in KSI. General KSI xFondu Napalm General @KSI xFondu Reason why they deserve this- Fondu took me and KSI Lynchsux in with no hesitation he is a great Gen and the way he runs his squad its more like a family then my previous squad. SSGT KSI LynchSux NAPALM SSGT @KatelynNicole98 Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe she deserves this due to the fact that I've taught her everything I know and she motivates everyone she games with. And when we both were going through a rough patch in our previous squad she did everything she could to make sure KSI COC and Standards were up help when other officers refused to maintain them. Member GunXGundamX Abaddon WD CPL @GunXGundamX I believe GunXGundamX deserves this due to the fact that his motivating drive keeps everyone pushing even if it not his best day. GunXGundamX is the type of guy that puts others before himself and is the type of guy who would give you the shirt off of his back even if he is have a terrible day
    1 point
  4. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Kakashii 77 Link to forums account - @Kakashii 77 Reasoning why they deserve - Kakashii 77 Has recently helped revamp the whole Prestige squad. From the change in officers, to the easy transition into Discord voice chats. He’s been working diligently to get more members involved and the change in pace is a big weight lifted. For being in KSI for over 8 years, constantly building new squads, and has recieved the Co-Founder rank twice. TWICE. To say the least Kakashii is a dedicated member of KSI and with the help of his leadership, our whole gaming community will prosper.
    1 point
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