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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2020 in all areas

  1. It is indeed a great pleasure to be able to take time out and witness about Kami and this award. I have been very lucky to get to know him through diff departments and things but the best thing I can say about him is he is a true gift to KSI. No matter how long it may go without us talking or having anything to deal with KSI related, he always knows exactly when I need encouragement. He always does just the right thing to lift my mood and to help me keep going. As you all may not know, member retention is my first love in KSI because I strongly believe in this gaming community, what it stands for and the need for it. Kami is like a ninja with stealth like abilities in this very area, member retention. He puts himself out there for the members and is a constant reminder of what KSI stands for; Knowledge, Strength and Integrity. I feel he deserves this award because he is an incredible example that everyone can learn from Thank you for your time and stay safe
    1 point
  2. Yes i can verify that KSI xGHOST21x have been I KSI for over 3 years.
    1 point
  3. What can i say about kami well he put in 110% into what ever he does.Malice took a big hit awhile back and he turn that squad around with his strong leadership skill he has made malice a power house. He work around the clocked it dont matter what time it is if something need to be done he get it done. He is always open for advice and tring new thing out to better his squad. He is also a great person to talk to if you are having a problem no matter the rank he will sat there and listen to you and try to help out.I dont see how he does all the stuff that he does he does so much Not only is he a Gen he is also a Senior Moderator he does a good job with that to. Not only is he a good leader i also i am proud to call him my friend cause i know i can always count on him.I just cant wait to see what the future hold for him in KSI
    1 point
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