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  1. Name: KSI DC 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI DC 7 Award-/-Achievement: OS2 Reason-/-Evidence When I first met DC 7 or as I always new him DCRUNK he was transferring into our squad and they tried to say it was a mock thing but I knew he was coming over they didn’t have us fooled. Right from the start he hit the ground running in our squad recruiting and helping with training. When I wasn’t able to set up to be a Gen he did and in December he had to navigate imperial through a rough patch. We lost one of our officers who took a lot of members with him. Thanks to DC 7 he pulled us back up to the point we were able to actually send members and officers to other squads to help them rebuild. Behind the scenes what most didn’t see was the time and money he put into imperial he was paying for people to change their name I’d they wanted to and couldn’t afford to do it. He also help build the squad before leaving to the point we were able to do a squad split And even though he has moved on to being a 7 he still helps our squad with recruiting and he is always in our chat checking on us. For all these reasons I believe he deserves OS2
    2 points
  2. Name: KSI DC 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI DC 7 Award-/-Achievement: OS2 Reason-/-Evidence :KSI DC 7 is a phenomenal person. He represents KSI as a respectable community. He helps all of us be better. He has helped me myself learn to be a leader, he takes time to help everyone in all the squads of SL. He has many great accomplishments such as Pro recruiter. Captain of the Year Runner Up, Squad Splitter, and Trainer. He stands as a solid role model for aspiring officers. I believe DC 7 is the best at doing what he does. He is patient and kind but firm. He has helped our division grow and stand strong. He has helped Imperial rise up to become the self sufficient squad it once was. Oh and leads by example. He continues to recruit and help train members because he cares about the members, he makes a habit of joining parties with people so they don't feel left out. He inspires all of us to be the best we can everyday and do what we need to succeed When he was GEN he cared about the squad like family. Now that he is a CO-FO he puts forth that same mentality to the entire division.I am proud to stand and call him my CO-FO. If anyone deserves this award its him.
    1 point
  3. Gamertag: KSI SlickNick Rank: General Division: SL Squad: Templar Link to forums account: @KSI SlickNick Reasoning why they deserve this: I believe that KSI SlickNick deserves this award is because when our squad was falling and nearing a close he became general and just made all of the officers more hyped and got them more excited to be here. He isn’t on all the time but he is on a lot at nights and lunch but if there was ever a issue he would try and take a long lunch break from work just to try and solve that issue even tho he should be at work. I believe KSI SlickNick deserves this award for the effort he puts into his squad and the division is amazing and everyone looks up to him. Gamertag: KSI Rogue 7 Rank: Co-Founder Division: SL Squad:N/A Link to forums account: @KSI Rogue 7 Reasoning why they deserve this: I believe that KSI Rogue 7 deserves award a lot because i barely knew rogue when coming into KSI and being here for the time I have I don’t talk to him a lot but every time I get into a party with him he makes me smile or have a laugh every time I’m with him. He is fun to play with and he deeply cares for the division and wants to see it shine. This is why I believe KSI Rogue 7 deserves award cause everyone loves him and feels comfortable with him with issues and just gaming with him.
    1 point
  4. KSI Codyo 7 has been an exceptional friend and leader in the community. He completes his duties with a fantastic attitude. He helps lower ranking officers get better at fulfilling their duties as well as offering positive reinforcement when due. Not to mention he is always willing to give up his spot so someone else can play in the party.
    1 point
  5. KSI Codyo 7 is well deserved for his outstanding award knowing I needed help in all phases of recruiting and just guidance he's always been there great leader and well honored in SL
    1 point
  6. Since the day I've met KSI DC 7, he has been going above and behind for this community. Always trying to improve the community in some way. He did a phenomenal job as General of Imperial and has now earned the rank of Co-Founder. He has taken on this role, with great strength. Since this promotion he has branched out even more, when it comes to going above and beyond. He is now consistently doing all of these things, on a much larger scale. Even when it comes to Depart Operations. I'm very proud of the changes I've seen in him, since achieving OS lvl1.
    1 point
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