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  1. I have known kami for a very long time. I actually was the one who originally recruited him into KSI to begin with. I consider him a very good friend. I have witnessed very amazing acts of kami and some of the most dedicated acts I’ve seen was he would stay up as late as 12 or even 1 AM to talk to members about their problems. He has helped so many people both in their time in KSI and in their real world lives. This man works 10 sometimes more hours a day at his job then he comes home to his wife and kids and still manages time for the community. If that’s not a super human feat then i don’t know what is. Every award he has ever gotten he deserves more so than any other member of KSI because he has worked 100 times harder than anyone to get where he is now. There was a brief time when he had left KSI because of personal reasons. When he came back he came back stronger and more hard working than ever. I believe that with him as Gen Malice has improved beyond many other scopes of its previous self. I can easily see kami moving up in the ranks even further and taking control of WD and making it the best division in KSI. He simply has that much of an effect on people as a whole. He motivates people and makes people under him want to make him proud of them and he dedicates time to anyone that needs it and shows up to every meeting and every game night in the squad. Anyone saying he’s absolute amazing and awesome is honestly an understatement.
    1 point

    KSI xKamikaze DW DHOF

    When you sit back and look at the DW Hall of Fame you have inductees in there such as Gary 7, King, Nebula, HAVOC, Myself, Harmony, and Majesty but there is one missing and that is Kamikaze or Kami as he goes by currently were going back in time to 2017 when LW was still a division King was bringing in a lot of homies an past members of that division to help us rebuild the squad now I'll be the first to admit I was unsure about Kami because he seemed like he was far to up tight wasnt a go with the flow individual like myself but as the time went by I got to know him an realized he wasnt that uptight guy he was like me he gave a damn about the betterment of the squad an we clicked an was a powerhouse team for Samurai so much that to do this day I still say hes the best right hand man in the biz well community in this sense he was always someone that you could look up to someone who'd lead you on the right path we worked together so well that when the time came for us to be separated it was almost bittersweet but Kami was a gen again of the new squad Paladin an with him at the helmet it took off like a rocket an kept going an going now during this time he had some personal stuff came up that required him to step away but he did come back to DW in the fall of 2018 an it was back to business so that's just the tip of the iceberg for him let's talk about the other stuff he did for the div I can recall many instances where Kam would buy members a game just so they could play with their squads an division members as a whole but with all that said the biggest thing he did in my opinion was this when Divisional Cup was a new concept for KSI in 2018 he pushed DW to get out there and start participating in the events an DW is the reason why there was a 10 point cap put on everything because we were dominating every division an we were the inaugural winners of Divisional Cup people have called him many names such as Kam Kami Kamikaze but there was one that truly fit him an it is the Heart an Soul of DW so when you look at our current inductees yeah they were great leaders but what's missing is the heart and soul of the div an that is Kami
    1 point
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