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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Yes too All! Thank you for all you’re contributions @Chairman Impy and very well said
    1 point
  2. Basic training workshop Held on 1/22/20 Hosted by KSI CheekClappr Attendance Ms Euphii @Euphii KSI xTiger 77 KSI RENEGADE (hasnt made his forums yet)
    1 point
  3. @Chairman Impydenied, these are all falsified. I mean, come on. Yes to all
    1 point
  4. First step - Anniversary Streak (Verified): Yes Award Senpai & Kahuna (Verified): Yes Staff Awards: Lady Luck & Army Support And well said @Chairman Impy
    1 point
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